2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
subulata ‘Eye Shadow’
subulata ‘Eye Candy’
subulata ‘Eye Caramba’
Color: Size:
Rosy purple with dark eye
Color: Size:
Light lavender with dark eye
Color: Size:
Medium pink with red eye
4-6” x 18-20” Forms a mound of bright green, needle like foliage that is covered in flowers. 029589 PW1½ $8.99
4-8” x 18-20” This has a more refined habit than ‘Emerald Pink’. Dark wine purple eye. 027858 C1½ $8.99
4-6” x 18-20” This popular little perennial is best utilized in rocky areas, slopes, & flower borders. 031155 C1½ $8.99
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
hybrid x ‘Pink Minuet’
subulata ‘Fort Hill’
hybrid x ‘ Magenta Sprite’
Color: Size:
Color: Size:
Rosy pink
Magenta pink
Color: Size:
Rosy pink
4-6” x 12-18” Fragrant rosy pink blooms cover the plant for two to four weeks in spring. 015167 C1½ $7.99
6-8” x 18-22” Blooms about a week after subulata and does not spread aggressively. 027861 PW1½ $8.99
8-10” x 16-18” Unlike creeping Phlox, this perennial will not aggressively spread in your garden. 027860 C1½ $8.99
hybrid x ‘Purple Sprite’
sub Spring Bling™ ‘Pink Sparkles’ Color: Soft baby pink with light halo Size: 4-8” x 24-28” The earliest of the series to bloom with the largest 1½” flowers. 029637 PW1 $12.99
subulata ‘Purple Beauty’
Color: Size:
Color: Size:
Bright purple
4-6” x 12-18” Same habit as ‘Blue Emerald’. Vigorous ly spreading foliage in late spring. 021758 C1½ $7.99
6-8” x 18-22” Blooms about a week after subulata, not an aggressive spreader. 027862 PW1½ $8.99
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