2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Phlox Woodland Phlox j p b e k h 0
Divaricata : Spreading, native wildflower which forms mats of foliage with stems typically reaching 12-15" tall. As the common name suggests, this is a wood land species which occurs in rich woods, fields and along streams. Zones 3-8
subulata ‘ Candy Stripe’
divaricata ‘ Chattahoochee’
Color: Size:
Color: Size:
Pink and white striped
Soft Lavender Blue
4-6” x 12-18” This popular perennial is best utilized in rocky areas, on slopes, and borders. 005069 C1½ $7.99
10-12” x 12-24” Spreads slowly to form a low patch, mix ing in with other partial shade perennials. 032106 C1 $7.99
Spring Phlox Creeping/Moss Phlox j b e k h 0 Hybrid Spring: Refers to a difference in breeding. These phlox will have their own special characteristics Subulata: Creeping Phlox. Plant in a sunny spot with well-drained soil and prune after flowering for a healthier plant. Excellent to use with your spring blooming bulbs, as a ground cover or for bank planting and rock gardens. Forms in mounding clumps of dark green needle-like foliage. Blooms April-May. Zone 3-9
x Mountainside ™ ‘Crater Lake’ Color: Indigo purple Size: 4-6” x 24-28” This hybrid Phlox spreads slowly, forming a compressed, groundcover. 029286 PW1½ $8.99
subulata ‘Drummons Pink’
Color: Size:
Rich pink
4-6” x 18-20” Richer color and larger flowers com pared to it’s replacement, ‘Emerald Pink’. 029078 C1½ $7.99
subulata ‘Emerald Blue’
subulata ‘Emerald Cushion Blue’ Color: Pale lavender blue Size: 4-6” x 24” Hardy, deer resistant, salt tolerant, and requires little care. Butterflies love. 020742 C1½ $7.99
subulata ‘ Emerald Pink’
Color: Size:
Blue to lavender
Color: Size:
Pink with red eye
4-8” x 24-36” Excellent to use with your spring bloom ing bulb! Deer resistant! 012419 C1½ $7.99
4-6” x 12-18” Long-flowering , pink selection with a compact habit for springtime garden. 012420 C1½ $7.99
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