2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Kniphofia Red Hot Poker/ Torch Lily j b l d e q 2 ? 4 These flowers are great as cut flowers and since they are tubular are great for attracting hummingbirds! Kniphofia is a sun lover that likes it hot and dry, though a good supply of water is appreciated when blooming. Zones 6-9. Backdraft Pyromania® Backdraft. Spiky reddish orange flow- ers that open peach yellow over grass-like foliage. Continuous bloom. Height: 30-36”, Spread: 24-30” 034460 PW1 $12.99 Hot and Cold Tangerine orange buds open to creamy white flow- ers. Pyromania® series. Height: 30-36”, Spread: 24-30” 034462 PW1 $12.99 Orange Blaze Bright orange flowers are produced over grass-like foliage. Pyromania® series. Height: 24-30”, Spread: 18-24” 034464 PW1 $12.99 Rocket’s Red Glare A stunning color choice! Incredibly long flower spikes have vibrant red buds that open to creamy peach flowers. Height: 30-36”, Spread: 18-24” 034465 PW1 $12.99 Sunningdale Yellow Produces a colorful display of abundant bright yellow spikes that stand 3' or taller and serve as a striking focal point among other flowering plants. Height: 36-42”, Spread: 18-24” 033935 C1 $14.99

Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens

‘Hot and Cold’


‘Rocket’s Red Glare’

‘Orange Blaze’

‘Sunningdale Yellow’

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