2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Dicentra Bleeding Heart p i e l Bleeding Hearts are happy in average garden soil with even moisture. We recommend division every 3 years. Blooms May and June, with some varieties blooming all summer. Zones 3-9, unless otherwise stated. Amore Rose Heart shaped rose pink flowers on burgundy stems dance above compact blue green foliage with a feathery, lacey mounded habit. Heat tolerant and long-lasting bloom. Height: 10-14”, Spread: 12-14” 035139 C1 $19.99 cucullaria Also called Dutchman’s Breeches. Dense masses of deeply cut, fern-like leaves with clusters of fra- grant white pantaloon-shaped flowers on a leafless stalk and overtop the much-divided, feathery basal leaves. Height: 4-12”, Spread: 8-12” 033909 C1 $9.99 formosa Bacchanal Award-winner. Spreading rhizomatous perennial adorned with a gray-green, finely divided foliage and short racemes of nodding, heart-shaped deep crimson flowers. Blooms late spring to early sum- mer. Height/Spread: 1-2’ 0100571 C1 $9.99 Pink Diamonds 'Pink Diamonds' explodes with flowers in late spring to early summer and blooms throughout the season. Pink flowers open light pink and show a two-tone effect. Medium sized clump of fine, fern- like blue-green foliage. Home gardeners: this is an alpine type of bleeding heart and is not a shade plant! For best results, plant in full sun in soil with good drainage. Height: 12-16”, Spread: 16” 028200 PW1 $25.00 spectabilis Clear pink, heart-shaped blossoms are suspended along a delicate, arched stem on this old-fashioned Bleeding Heart. Height: 36”, Spread: 40” 010175 C2 $16.99 spectabilis Alba Every bit as charming as the pink form, 'Alba' forms large, bushy clumps of powdery-light green foliage comprised of cut or lobed leaves on fleshy stems. In late spring, chains of puffy, white, heart-shaped flowers dangle beneath the arching, leafless stems. Height: 30”, Spread: 18-36” 014435 C2 $16.99 Digitalis Foxglove j p b l e q d Spikes of tubular flowers in June-July. Most are biennial. Before adding Preen to area, allow plant to go to seed to provide future plants. Zones 4-9 Arctic Fox Rose zones 5-9 Nodding, tubular rosy pink to peach blooms and tall, stately stems, that adds color to your land- scape every year. Arctic Fox Rose is a rare peren- nial hybrid foxglove that produces flowers yearly instead of biennially Height: 18-24” 029822 C1 $10.99 Candy Mountain The first Foxglove ever to have upward facing flowers. With this new angle, viewers can easily see the beautifully speckled throats of these rose- pink blossoms. Height: 3-4, Spread: 1-2’ 014277 C1 $7.99

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens

NEW 2024

‘Amore Rose’

‘Pink Diamonds’

Photo courtesy of Netherland Bulb Company


Photo courtesy of Netherland Bulb Company


formosa Bacchanal

spectabilis ‘Alba’

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

‘Candy Mountain’

‘Artic Fox Rose’

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