2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog


How much SWEET PEET should I use to plant?

How much PEAT MOSS should I use to plant?

When purchasing Sweet Peet in bulk, apply a 2 - 3” layer to a vegetable garden or flower bed and rototill to a depth of 6”. When planting with bagged Sweet Peet , follow these guidelines:

When planting with Pre - Moistened Sphagnum Peat Moss (2 ft³) , follow these guidelines:

Size of plant(s)

One 2 cu ft bag equals:

Size of plant(s)

One bag equals:

1 gallon

10 plants

1 gallon

6 plants

2 gallon

6 plants

2 gallon

4 plants

3 - 5 gallon

4 plants

3 - 5 gallon

2 plants

15" balled & burlapped

6 plants

15" balled & burlapped

2 plants

18 - 24" balled * burlapped

4 plants

18 - 24" balled * burlapped

1 plants

24" balled & burlapped +

2 - 3 plants

6 - 8' tree (1 - 1¼" caliper)

(use 2 bags)

6 - 8' tree (1 - 1.25" caliper)

(use 1.5 - 2 bags)

1½ - 2" caliper b&b tree

(Use 3 - 4 bags)

1.5 - 2" caliper b&b tree

(Use 2 - 3 bags)

Who do we refer?

When planting with dry Canadian Peat Moss (3.8 ft³), follow these guidelines: y ou must pre - moisten before use

Size of plant(s)

One bale equals:

Landscaping, Planting, Pruning, Hardscapes, Lawn Maintenance, Lighting, Water Features JRS Lawn & Landscape Office: 330 - 745 - 6772 www.weknowlawns.com Small Installations & Landscaping Bari ’ s Landscaping Cell: 330 - 808 - 3278 Bulk Topsoil, Sand, Boulders & Gravel: Flescher Sand & Gravel Office: 330 - 745 - 9239 Bulk Topsoil, Bulk Stone & Colored Mulch Delivery: JRS Lawn & Landscape Office: 330 - 745 - 6772

Stacking Stones & Landscaping Stones: Ohio Beauty Stone Office: 330 - 644 - 2241 www.ohiobeautycutstone.net Tree Trimming Linger ’ s Lumberjacks Office: 330 - 825 - 0161 www.lingerslumberjacks.com Home Pest Control: Stewart ’ s Pest Control & Tree Service Office: 330 - 745 - 1910

1 gallon

30 plants

2 gallon

18 plants

3 gallon +

12 plants

5 gallon

10 plants

1 - 1¼" caliper (b&b)

2 - 3 trees

1 1/2" - 2"+ caliper (b&b)

(Use 3/4 of a bale)

Planting Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Kalmia, Leucothoe, Dogwood, Pieris, Blueberries & their relatives when planting with Pre - Moistened Sphagnum Peat Moss (2 ft³):

Size of plant

# of plants one bag will cover

1 gallon

2 plants

2 gallon +

1 plant

3 gallon

(1 1/2 bags)

5 gallon

(2 1/2 bags)

12 - 15" balled & burlapped

(1 1/2 bags)

18 - 24" balled & burlapped

(2 1/2 bags)

24"+ balled & burlapped

(4 1/2 bags)

4 - 6’ tall Dogwood

1 bag

6’+ tall Dogwood

(Use 2 bags)

Other Materials

Hardwood Mulch $29.99 per yd³ also available in bags

Windbreak Burlap 3 foot length $1.29/linear foot 4 foot length $1.99/linear foot 5 foot length $2.29/linear foot 6 foot length $2.49/linear foot

Pine Mulch Soil Conditioner $69.99 per yd³

Sweet Peet $42.99 per yd³ also available in bags

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