2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Starter Fertilizer Unique GreenSmart ingredient helps speed root growth to improve nutrient absorption so lawns are better able to retain water to protect against heat and drought. 017324 16 lbs. $32.99 (5,000 ft²) Seed Accelerator, Greenview /Penn Mulch Pelletized recycled paper mulch and fertilizer prod- uct absorbs moisture and expands to 3 times its original size when watered to maintain moisture in the seeded area, requiring less watering. Great for erosion control on sloped areas 002840 10 lbs. $9.99 (200 sq. ft) 030089 38 lbs. $27.99 (800 sq. ft) 4 Step Greenview Lawn Fertilizer Program 018030 5,000 ft² $109.99 018031 15,000 ft² $269.99 A no-phosphate, enhanced efficiency lawn fertilizer with crabgrass control that prevents crabgrass all season. 017318 5,000 ft² $31.99 017319 15,000 ft² $79.99 Step 2- Broadleaf Weed Control Apply End of May (Memorial Day) Step 1- Crabgrass Control Apply April 15th (Tax Day)
Lawn Care
F-Stop Lawn Fungicide, Hi-Yield Ferti-Lome F-Stop is protectant and curative lawn fungicide that works systemically in established turfgrass and home lawns. This granular fungicide uses Eagle fungicide as its active ingredient. Lasts for up to a month. 027046 10 lbs. $25.99 (2,500 ft²) MossMax, Bonide Kills lawn moss quickly. Turns lawns a deep green. Does not contain fertilizer, so no excess growth and less mowing. Applies easily with standard lawn spreaders. Contains 23.34% Ferrous Sulfate Mon- ohydrate. Kills Algae, Moss, and Lichens. Sprays can be used on lawns and structural surfaces (roofs, decks, patios, sidewalks, fences, etc.). Does not stain concrete or other surfaces. 026526 6 lbs. $13.99 026527 20 lbs. $25.99 Greenview Lawn Care Greenview with GreenSmart enhanced efficiency fertilizers are guaranteed to perform and are popular with homeowners. They produce a lush, green, weed-free lawn even after the first use. Fairway Spring
Carefree Mix and Dura Shade ~ Seeding: 7-8 lbs. per 1,000 ft². Over-seeding 3-4 lbs. per 1,000 ft². Fairlawn and Fairlawn Shady ~ Seeding: 5-6 lbs. per 1,000 ft². Over-seeding: 2-3 lbs. per 1,000 ft². Dayton’s Carefree Mix This is the lawn that will be abused! Once estab- lished, this seed will require little water due to it’s deep roots. Will thrive if cut to any height. Mix of Tall Fescue, perennial Ryegrass, and Bluegrass. Dura-shade A great seed for shaded turf that has become thin. Once established, it sends it’s roots deep, enabling them to better compete with shallow tree roots. All fescue mix. Fairlawn Perfect for the homeowner who plans to maintain his or her lawn with average to glow fertilization. Quick to establish and very durable. Great for patching areas. Mix of Kentucky bluegrass, Fescue, and Ryegrass. Fairlawn Shady An easy method of correcting soil acidity and replacing calcium in soils leached by rainfall. Improves soil condition and bacterial action.
Weed & Feed with Crabgrass Control Feeds your lawn in one easy application. 65% slow release nitrogen fertilizes up to 12 weeks. Slow re- lease nitrogen pro- vides your lawn with controlled, steady nutrition over a longer period of time, result- ing in thicker, healthier grass. Eliminates and prevents crabgrass and kills dandelions, clover, viney weeds and over 200 other broadleaf weeds as it fertilizes. No excess growth, less mowing! Provides a full root system for a healthier weed free lawn. Zero Phosphate to comply with local areas that restrict phosphate use.
A no-phosphate, enhanced efficiency lawn fertilizer and weed control that controls over 250 broadleaf weeds such as dandelions, clover and plantain. 017320 5,000 ft² $27.99 017321 15,000 ft² $71.99 Step 3- Lawn Food Apply Early July (Independence Day) A no-phosphate, enhanced efficiency lawn fertilizer that restores nutrients to your soil and feeds your lawn up to 8 weeks. 017317 5,000 ft² $24.99 017316 15,000 ft² $59.99 Step 4- Fall Food Apply End of October (Halloween) Giving your lawn what it needs for one of the most essential times to fertilize, this Fall Lawn Food formulation is a no- phosphate, enhanced efficiency lawn fertilizer that promotes quick spring green-up. 017322 5,000 ft² $26.99 017323 15,000 ft² $66.99
008055 5,000 ft² $45.99
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