2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Rhubarb Rheum rhabarbarum Allow plants to grow 2-4 full seasons before har- vesting. Stop harvesting when slender leafstalks appear. After harvest, feed and water freely. Pull stalks to harvest. A good source of iron. Canada Red zones 4-9 Outstanding stalk harvests. Produces beautiful red stalks in early spring. This sweet variety is perfect for sauces and pies that require less sugar. Cold- hardy and heat-tolerant. Harvest in May. Self- pollinating. Height: 2-3’, Spread: 1-2’ 006693 C2 $12.99 Victoria zones 3-8 Heirloom variety that can be harvested after the first year! Slender red/green stalks that are excel- lent for cooking and baking. 016432 C2 $19.99 Strawberry Fragaria June-bearing types produce one crop per year in late spring or early summer, generally, they are the highest quality strawberries you can grow. Day- neutral or ever bearing kinds flower and set fruit over a longer season. Their harvest tends to peak in early summer, then continue through fall. Plant 12-24” apart in a row with 24-48” between rows. Zones 4-8, unless noted. Allstar (June bearing – mid season) Allstar produces high yields of very large, sweet, extra juicy berries in late mid-season, which is usually late spring and early summer, depending on when summer arrives in your area. As a June- bearer, the harvest season is concentrated over a few weeks. Vigorous plants are resistant to verticil- lium wilt and red stele, and moderately resistant to leaf scorch and powdery mildew. 014888 P4½ $3.49 Earliglow (June bearing – early season) This variety produces fruit that has a very firm, glossy skin, firm flesh, and medium size. Its sweet flavor makes the variety excellent for fresh eating and freezing. Fruit size tends to decrease as the season progresses. This variety has good re- sistance to red stele and intermediate resistance to Verticillium wilt. Recommended for beginners. 014847 P4½ $3.99 Jewel (June bearing – mid season) Jewel has large berries with superb quality and flavor. One of our top sellers, Jewel performs well over a wide range of growing conditions. 014846 P4½ $3.99 Mara Des Bois These unstoppable producers are perfect for con- tainers or raised beds. From June until frost, this French variety produces a non-stop harvest of fragrant, lusciously sweet, plump strawberries. 021940 P4½ $5.99 Ozark Beauty (Everbearing) This popular everbearing variety is famous for its large yields of bright red berries. Ozark Beauty produces fruits from June to September. 012859 P4½ $3.49 Seascape (Everbearing) A cross between two popular varieties, Seascape is highly productive over a long season, yielding large, delicious berries with excellent flavor. May remain evergreen in frost-free areas. 014849 P4½ $3.99

Raspberry Rubus idaeus There are two types: summer-bearing raspberries, which bear annually in summer on 2 year old canes, and ever bearing raspberries, which bear twice on each cane. In both types, fruit follows loose clusters of white flowers. At the end of the growing season, cut out all weak canes and re- move canes that fruited during the season. In late winter or early spring, cut back to 10-15” on strong canes, 3-4” on weak canes. Bristol (black/June-bearing) NEW zones 4-8 Large, firm and best-tasting black raspberry on the market! Vigorous, upright canes do not require staking. Ripens in July. Self-pollinating 035713 C2 $14.99 Caroline (red/ever bearing) zones 4-10 Caroline is considered one of the truly superior ever-bearing red raspberries! The large and firm berries (larger than ‘Heritage’) are produced from vigorous canes starting in early June and continu- ing with delicious berries through fall. 013761 C2 $14.99 Fall Gold (yellow/everbearing) zones 4-9 Yellowish fruits on this everbearing type. Sweet berries are large, juicy and firm. Vigorous grower. 034895 C6 $69.99 Heritage (red/everbearing) zones 3-9 This bush has two seasons with a small yield in July and heavy yield in September until frost. Fast growing and self-fertile, the large extra-sweet dark red fruit is good fresh, canned or frozen. 034896 C6 $69.99 Jewel Black (black/everbearing) zones 3-8 Compact clusters of large, juicy black raspberries from vigorous plants. Great in pies. Ripens in early July. 010582 C2 $14.99 Latham (red/everbearing) zones 5-8 Produces large, round, deep-red, full-flavored fruits in Spring. The standard in Spring bearing raspber- ries, it is fantastic eaten fresh or used in preserves or baked goods. It is a heavy producer, extremely hardy, and disease resistant. 016490 C2 $14.99 Meeker (red/June-bearing) NEW zones 3-8 Sturdy canes produce sweet, juicy red berries in late summer. The berries have a high sugar con- tent and are excellent for eating fresh or preserv- ing. 034901 C6 $69.99 Short Cake (red/primocane) zones 5-9 You’ll love harvesting the delicious sweet berries right from your patio. Plus there are no thorns to get in your way. This dwarf red Raspberry sends out lots of new canes each spring that produce more midseason sweet fruits every year. Raspber- ry Shortcake grows to a height of 2-3 feet, making it perfect for compact spaces and container gar- dening. Plants are self-pollinating. 020082 C2 $29.99 Williamette (red/everbearing) NEW zones 4-8 Dark red and very large, these berries arise by the thousands in midsummer on tall, vigorous canes. Small, plentiful spring blooms of pure white give you a good indication of the riches to come. 034902 C6 $69.99

Fall Gold


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