2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Colocasia Hardy Elephant Ears j p e q Zones 5-11

Polargreen This exotic looking plant is no longer just for tropi- cal regions. This non-bulbing Colocasia produces pink stems topped with large, rich green leaves which will die back to the ground in winter, but return the following spring. Height: 3-5’ 035322 C1 $19.99 Convallaria Lily-of-the-Valley p i r e q h 0 Very sweet smelling and blooms in early spring. A tough, vigorous ground cover. Zones 2-7 majalis Bordeaux Produces pure white, larger bell-shaped flowers on stems that are held above the foliage as op- posed to between the leaves. Height: 6-8”, Spread: 8-15” 028197 P4½D $10.99


Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens



Crocosmia Montbretia j e d l

Gladiolus-like foliage fans around the branched funnel-shaped flower spikes which zig zag to 36”. A hummingbird favorite blooms all summer. Zones 5-9 Lucifer The tubular flame-red flowers are arranged on their stems upon sword-like green foliage. Height: 36”, Spread: 12” 000533 C1 $9.99 019789 C1½ $12.99 Prince of Orange Developed for its exceptional seedpods in fall, this new hybrid forms an upright clump of dark green, sword-like foliage topped with arching stems of 20 or more vivid red-orange blossoms with a distinc- tive, burgundy speckled, gold center. Adds a spiky, textured element to the landscape. Height: 30-36” , Spread: 12-18” 022627 C1 $11.99

‘Prince of Orange’

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