2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Viburnum Snowball Bush

carlcephalum Features fragrant white flowers arranged in dense, snowball-like clusters in late April to early May. Blooms later than most viburnums. Flowers fol- lowed by clusters of red berry-like drupes which ripen black. Ovate, grayish-green leaves turn red- dish-maroon in fall. Height/ Spread: 6-10’ 000299 C3 $39.99 carlesii Viburnum carlesii is one of the most gloriously fragrant shrubs known to man. The dense flower heads, which measure up to 3″ across, produce white flowers from blush pink buds, and the per- fume, which is a sweet, rich, spicy vanilla, carries a considerable distance across a lawn or garden. Height/ Spread: 4-8’ 035616 C3 $39,99 carlesii Cayuga Cayuga Korean Spice Viburnum zones 4-7 j p % b e h Sweetly fragrant white flowers open from pink buds. Best in part shade in summer. More compact than carlesi. Height: 5’ 028216 C3 $39.99 cas. Lil Ditty® zones 3-8 j p % b e & One of the smallest viburnum on the market. A puffball of creamy-white, fragrant flowers in late spring. Glossy foliage takes on good fall color. Height/Spread: 1-2’ 027413 PW3 $49.99 opulus Compactum ’Compactum’ is a compact, rounded shrub with a profusion of large flower clusters that perfume the garden with their cinnamon fragrance in spring. Opening from pink flower buds, white flowers tinged pink fade to white. They are followed by bright red berries. Leaves sometimes tinged choc- olate when young, mature to a dark green before maroon shades in fall. Height/ Spread: 3-4’ 035285 C5 $69.99 p.t.. Opening Day Doublefile zones 5-8 j % Compact plants are covered with, baseball size, snowball-like flowers that open with a tinge of green and quickly mature to pure white. Plants are tight in habit with dark green foliage that turns beautiful shades of cabernet in the fall. Height: 5- 10’, Spread: 5-8’ 031989 FE5 $39.99 p.t.. Popcorn zones 5-9 j p % e Profuse clusters of small, popcorn ball-shaped blooms line each branch in spring. Handsome, deeply veined, green foliage turns red to purple in fall. Height/Spread: 6-8’



Photo courtesy of Spring Meadow


‘Lil Ditty®’

Photo courtesy of Bailey Nurseries Inc.

‘Opening Day Doublefile’

NEW 2024

009623 C3 $29,99 007755 C5 $34.99 008428 C7 $39.99 plicatum tomentosum Shasta zones 5-8 j p %



Horizontal growth growing twice as wide as high. Large white masses of flowers in May, one-third larger than other cultivars. Scarlet fruit in late July and August. Height: 6’, Spread: 10-12’

002270 C3 $29.99 003284 C5 $34.99 011131 C7 $39.99

x juddi This hybrid viburnum produces early spring, snow- ball-type clusters of pink buds that open to white, highly fragrant flowers. It is a dense, rounded shrub with blue-green leaves. Height/ Spread: 5-8’ 016082 C3 $39.99



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