2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog
occidentalis North Pole® Narrow upright columnar habit is perfect for narrow sites as a specimen or screen. Little care is need- ed. Evergreen. Hardy, resists winter burn. Excel- lent landscape plant. Height: 10-15’, Spread: 3-5’ 035568 PW6 $79.99 occidentalis Pancake Finely textured, sage-green evergreen with a low, dense rounded habit. Foliage tints slightly blue in fall and winter. Hardy and easy to maintain. Thrives in full sun and resists burning but will toler- ate some shade. Attractive as low border, hedge or in rock gardens. Height: 12”, Spread: 24” 032411 C2 $59.99 occidentalis Primo® Rich, deep green summer color combines with the compact textural foliage and naturally sculpted spire-like shape making this new selection an un- expected breakthrough for the hardy common Arborvitae. With a bronzed winter color, a very young tree has proportions perfect for miniscapes or container gardening. Height: 4’, Spread: 1’ 026148 C3 $69.99 occidentalis Technito® zone 3-7 j a Attractive dark green color that retains through winter. This dense evergreen is a great improve- ment to other arborvitae as it requires less shear- ing to retain a pyramidal outline. Makes an excel- lent privacy screen. Height: 8-10’, Spread: 4-5’ 034324 FE3 $29.99 occidentalis Techny - –Not Pictured Techny Arborvitae evergreen has thick, dark green foliage that adds interest to the landscape all year long! It can be used as an accent or background plant but is also a staple in many landscapes for hedges and screening. Techny Arborvitae has a wider base than other upright varieties, so it fills areas in well. Its dense growth attracts birds and creates privacy, making it a wonderful addition to the landscape! Height: 12-15’, Spread: 8-10’ Thuja plicata or Western Red Cedars. Grow in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Somewhat wide range of soil tolerance, but prefers moist, neutral to alkaline, well-drained loams. Intolerant of dry conditions. plicata Forever Goldy zones 5-8 j a This “ever golden” compact shrub grows quickly into a stunning display of gold-yellow foliage that will not shed. Both heat and drought-tolerant. Height: 10-12’, Spread: 3-3½’ 018610 C3 $49.99 026444 30-36” BB $89.99 plicata Green Giant Green Giant Western Red Cedar zones 5-8 j p a e Green Giant grows into a tight, uniform, pyramidal tree with lustrous medium green foliage. Foliage is not known to yellow in the winter. Fast growing up to 3’ per year. Height: 25-30’, Spread: 5-6’ 022195 C1 $9.99 035093 3-4’ BB $59.99 006053 4-5’ BB $79.99
Photo courtesy of Monrovia®
‘North Pole’
Photo courtesy of Iseli Nursery
Photo courtesy of Bailey Nurseries Inc.
‘Forever Goldy’
Photo courtesy of Iseli Nursery
028061 C5 Lt. $29.99 018725 3-4’ BB $89.99 016128 4-5’ BB $109.00 005308 5-6’ BB $129.00 035595 C10 5-6’ BB $129.99 020061 6-7’ BB $175.99
plicata Grune Kugel zones 5-8 j p a e
Grune Kugel is German for "green ball," which describes this plant to a T. It has a dwarf, round habit and green foliage. Height: 1-2’, Spread: 1-2’ 022003 C3 $49.99
‘Green Giant’
‘Grune Kugel’
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