2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Tess of the d’Urbervilles® (Ausmove) A striking climber bearing large, deeply cupped, bright crimson-red blooms, with a pleasing Old Rose fragrance. It is a relatively compact climber clothed in large, dark green leaves. Color: Crimson-red Height/Habit: 8’, short climber, compact Bloom: Large, cupped, repeat flowering Fragrance: Medium, Old rose Part Number/ Price: 023246 C3 $39.99 The Lark Ascending (Ausursula) Graceful semi-double flowers, of a pleasing apri- cot, are produced from the ground upwards, and are held in large heads of up to fifteen, nicely spaced blooms. They have a beautiful open-cup shape, loosely filled with about twenty petals, arranged around a cluster of golden stamens. It forms an extremely healthy shrub with tall, airy growth. Named after the much-loved piece of music by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Color: Apricot Height/Habit: 5½’, very large Bloom: Medium flower, 20+ petals Fragrance: Light, tea/myrrh Part Number/ Price: 035526 C3 $39.99 Tranquility (Ausnoble) Beautifully rounded flowers, with neatly placed petals making up perfect rosettes. The buds are lightly tinged with yellow but as the flowers open they become pure white. A vigorous shrub; its growth is bushy and upright, clothed in light green foliage, curving outwards in a most attrac- tive manner. With its pure white flowers, this rose lives up to its name. Color: White Height/Habit: 4’, medium, English shrub Bloom: Large, rosettes, 110 petals Fragrance: Light, fruity Part Number/ Price: 031948 C3 $39.99
variety; it makes a strong, vigorous shrub with bushy, upright growth. Named after the flawed heroine of Thomas Hardy’s, The Return of the Native. Color: Mid pink-apricot Height/Habit: 4½’, medium shrub Bloom: Medium flower Fragrance: Strong, Fruity Part Number/ Price: 034480 C3 $39.99 Golden Celebration (Ausgold) One of the largest-flowered English Roses, bear- ing rich yellow blooms in the form of giant cups. They have a strong Tea fragrance, developing wonderfully combined notes of Sauternes wine and strawberry. It forms a rounded shrub, with ample foliage – the flowers held beautifully poised on long, arching branches. Color: Rich yellow Height/Habit: 4’, medium, upright Bloom: Large flower, cupped, 75+ petals Fragrance: Strong tea Part Number/ Price: 003625 C3 $39.99 Lady of Shalott® (Ausfence) Rich orange-red buds open to chalice-shaped blooms, filled with loosely arranged, orange pet- als. The surrounding outer petals are salmon- pink with beautifully contrasting golden-yellow undersides. There is a pleasant, warm Tea fra- grance, with hints of spiced apple and cloves. It quickly forms a bushy shrub with slightly arching stems and mid-green leaves, which have attrac- tive, slightly bronzed tones when young. The name is taken from one of Alfred, Lord Tenny- son’s poems to commemorate the 200th anniver- sary of his birth. Color: Orange Height/Habit: 5’, large shrub Bloom: Large, 60+ petal count Fragrance: Medium, Tea Part Number/ Price: 023244 C3 $39.99 Malvern Hills (Auscanary) A repeat-flowering rambler, bearing fully double, soft yellow blooms, which are held in medium to large clusters. There is a light to medium musky fragrance. It is very healthy with strong, slender growth, attractive polished foliage and few thorns. Named after the beautiful range of hills not far south of our nursery, which have been designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Color: Soft yellow Height/Habit: 15’, medium rambler Bloom: Small flower, 40+ petal count Fragrance: Light-medium, musk Part Number/ Price: 035525 C3 $39.99 Princess Anne (Auskitchen) The young flowers are deep pink, almost red, fading to pure rich pink. The rather narrow petals are unusually substantial, with a hint of yellow on their undersides. Held in large, fragrant clusters, they are produced with remarkable freedom. A particularly healthy variety; it forms a bushy, upright shrub with thick, succulent, highly pol- ished foliage. Named for Her Royal Highness, the Princess Royal. Color: Rich pink Height/Habit: 4’ x 4½’, large, bushy, upright Bloom: Large flower, clustered, 85+ petals Fragrance: Medium tea Part Number/ Price: 035527 C3 $39.99 Strawberry Hill (Ausrimini) Beautiful at all stages, bearing small clusters of large, mid pink, cupped rosettes. They have a strong, delicious myrrh and heather honey fra- grance. The arching branches are clothed in glossy, dark foliage. Named after the gothic re- vival house in Twickenham, London, built by Horace Walpole. Color: Mid pink Height/Habit: up to 10’, climber Bloom: Large flower, 120+ petal count Fragrance: Strong, myrrh and honey Part Number/ Price: 032524 C3 $39.99
David Austin English Roses All David Austin roses have a collective style and reflect one man’s vision. All have beautiful blooms and in most cases wonderful fragrance held on graceful attractive shrubs. A garden of these outstanding roses is hard to beat for sheer exuberance of flower and fragrance. strong fragrance! Darcey Bussell (Ausdecorum) When young, the outer petals of each bloom form a perfect ring around an inner cup, gradual- ly opening out to form a perfect, medium sized rosette. The color is a deep, rich crimson-pink, taking on a tinge of mauve just before the petals drop. There is a light-medium fruity scent. Forms a compact shrub with attractive bushy growth. Named after the highly acclaimed ballerina. Color: Crimson-pink Height/Habit: 4’, medium, rounded Bloom: Medium, 70+ petal count Fragrance: Light-medium. fruity Part Number/ Price: 023241 C3 $39.99 Desdemona (Auskindling) Peachy pink buds open to beautiful, white, chal- ice-shaped blooms, with a pinkish hue. The in- curved petals create an arresting interplay of Height/Habit: 4’, medium, bushy, rounded Bloom: Medium flower, 52+ petal count Fragrance: Strong, Old Rose Part Number/ Price: 028882 C3 $39.99 Eden Climber® (Meiviolin) Full flowers of creamy white and suffused with pink most intensely at the edge of the petals. It repeat flowers well and is excellent for a pillar. Color: Light Pink, creamy white Height/Habit: 24’, very tall climber Bloom: 4”, huge, old-fashioned, 60 petals Fragrance: Light to moderate Part Number/ Price: 030979 C2 $24.99 Elizabeth® (Ausmajesty) A majestic rose bearing clusters of large, crisp apple blossom pink rosettes, paling to the gen- tlest blush white. She has a strong, sweet, fresh fragrance with hints of lemon sherbet and Old Rose. Exceptionally healthy and versatile of habit, she forms a shapely and commanding shrub. Color: Pale pink apricot Height/Habit: 4½’, medium, rounded Bloom: Medium flower Fragrance: Strong, Sweet/Old Rose Part Number/ Price: 035524 C3 $39.99 Emily Bronte (Ausearnshaw) An exceptionally beautiful rose; the distinctive blooms are very neat and rather flat. Each bloom is a lovely soft pink, with a subtle apricot hue, the smaller central petals deepening to rich apricot and surrounding a button eye, which unfurls to reveal deep-set stamens. Color: Soft pink apricot fading to cream Height/Habit: 4’, medium, bushy, upright Bloom: Large flower, old-fashioned, flat Fragrance: Strong tea Part Number/ Price: 031944 C3 $39.99 Eustacia Vye® (Ausegdon) An exceedingly pretty rose of soft, glowing apri- cot-pink, each bloom packed with numerous delicately ruffled petals. Held on red-tinged stems, the blooms begin as shallow cups, open- ing to full rosettes, revealing petals of a richer hue, which gradually pale over time. They have a delicious strong fruity fragrance. A very healthy
David Austin English Roses light and shadow. The strong Old Rose fra- grance has hints of almond blossom, cucumber and lemon zest. It forms a most attractive neat, rounded, bushy shrub. Named after the tragic heroine of Shakespeare’s Othello. Color: White
Photo courtesy of David Austin® Roses
‘Darcey Bussell’
Photo courtesy of David Austin® Roses
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