2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Asclepias Butterfly Flower/Milkweed j p r b e q d ? & Zones 3-9 incarnata Cinderella Easy to grow butterfly magnet offering 3 months of vanilla scented, rose-pink flowers from mid- summer to early fall. Typical milkweed seed pods develop after the flowers have faded. Height: 36-60”, Spread: 12-36” 029432 C1½ $12.99 incarnata Ice Ballet White flowers from mid-summer into early fall. Typi- cal milkweed seed pods develop after the flowers fade. Height: 36-60”, Spread: 12-36” 000114 C1½ $12.99 incarnata Soulmate This forms a compact clump of long green leaves, bearing clusters of cherry-pink flowers with a tiny white center. These have a delightful vanilla fra- grance and are a favorite of butterflies. Height: 3-4’, Spread: 2’ 024720 C1½ $10.99 tuberosa - Butterfly Weed 2017 Perennial Plant Asso. Plant of the Year® Has brilliant orange-red flowers that are excellent for cutting. Flowers last from all summer. Deadheading promotes another bloom cycle. Green fruits develop to have seeds with long, silvery-white, silky hairs just like a typical Milkweed. Height/Spread: 24” 019876 C1 $10.99 tuberosa Hello Yellow An easy perennial, offering three months of golden yellow blooms from early to late summer. Following the flowers, green fruits develop which rupture to reveal seeds with long, silvery-white, silky hairs remi- niscent of its cousin, common milkweed. Great to use in dried flower arrangements. Height/Spread: 24” 014140 C1 $10.99 Aster Hardy Aster j b e q ? Zones 3-8 Blue Bayou Violet blue double pom pom blooms over compact foliage. Typical late summer/early fall bloom time beckon to butterflies. Part of the Showmakers® se- ries of Asters. Height:10-12”, Spread: 18” 035174 C1 $9.99 Bridal Veil White flowers cover finely-textured branches that arch gracefully. This early fall bloomer usually peaks in October. Powdery mildew-resistant. Height: 24”, Spread: 24-48” 026859 C1 $7.99 Grape Crush Very rich, dark purple flowers are produced above dark green foliage in early fall to midfall. A perfect finale to the growing season! Height: 26-30”, Spread: 029443 C1 $7.99 Island Bahamas Has vibrant pink ray flowers with yellow cen- ters. Height and Spread: 12” 032830 C1 $9.99 Pink Crush Easy growing with superior garden performance. It features loose spreading rosettes of toothed, obo- vate, gray-green basal leaves, shorter ovate stem leaves and tiny, 4-petaled, white flowers which bloom in spring. Height: 26-30”; Spread: 40-44” 033008 C1 $7.99
Save the Monarchs! Monarchs cannot survive without milkweed; their caterpillars only eat milkweed plants, and the butterflies need milkweed to lay their eggs. Planting milkweed is a great way to help other pollinators too, as they provide valuable nectar resources to a diverse suite of bees and butterflies.
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
‘Ice Ballet’
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