2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

NEW 2024

Photo courtesy of Little Prince®

Tradescantia Spiderwort j p b l 0 ? Afternoon shade and moist soils are recommend- ed. Cut back long sprawling stems after primary bloom and plants will re-bloom come fall. Blooms June-Sept. Zones 5-8 unless otherwise stated. Brainstorm This Spiderwort brings months of brilliant deep purple blossoms atop sword-shaped leaves. Height: 2-20”, Spread: 18-30” 035252 C1 $14.99 Concord Grape This clump-forming perennial produces blue-green, arching foliage. Large clusters of purple flowers during summer are attractive to butterflies. Height: 12-18”, Spread: 12-18” 003818 C1 $7.99 This exotic perennial prefers moist to wet, well- drained, slightly acidic soils in partial shade. Do not let soil dry out. Propagate by seed or division. Zones 4-8 Autumn Glow Impressive variegation that boasts the widest yellow leaf margins. Orchid-like, reddish purple to blue violet speckled blossoms appear from late summer. Height: 12-14”, Spread: 10-12” 026835 C1 $12.99 Gilt Edge Has green, lance-shaped leaves edged in creamy yellow. The arching stems support these leaves which are arranged in a ladder-like fashion. Begin- ning in late summer, white, orchid-like flowers heavily spotted and streaked with purple ap- pear. Height: 24”, Spread: 18-24” 029867 C1 $9.99 Lightning Strike This toad lily features small, lavender, lily-like flow- ers and broadly ovate, light green leaves streaked with gold and darker shades of green. Height/ Spread: 12-24” 008983 C1 $19.99 Tricyrtis Toad Lily p i d 2


‘Taiwan Adbane’

Photo courtesy of Little Prince®

‘Concord Grape’

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors


‘Gilt Edge’

Seiryu Each orchid-like flower is white with tiny burgundy spots at the base, morphing to lavender blue on the flower tips and highlighted by a lavender cen- tral structure. Height: 24”, Spread: 36” 033018 C1 $16.99 Taiwan Adbane Displays exotic pale lavender blooms accentuated by dark spotting with a pale yellow throat. Its arch- ing stems and mottled dark green leaves perfectly frame these intricate flowers. Height: 25-30” 030554 C1 $19.99 Tosui Exotic white flowers with violet tips and speckling arise above compact foliage. Height: 22”, Spread: 16” 033100 C1 $14.99 Trollius Globeflower p i q v Easily grown in rich, humusy, moist to wet, well- drained soils in part shade. Leaves may bleach out in full sun. This plant thrives in cool weather. It dislikes dry soils and hot summers. Zones 3-6 europaeus Superbus A clump-form that features a late spring to early summer bloom of globular lemon-yellow flowers up to 2” across. Height: 18-24”, Spread: 18-20” 001334 C1 $7.99


‘Autumn Glow’


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