2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Stachys Lamb’s Ear j p k ? Leaves are velvety soft, greenish-silver, and shaped like its namesake. It is a wonderful plant for edging, massed in the front of the border garden, or in containers. Zones 4-8 Densiflorus If you like 'Hummelo', try this dwarf version that tops out at just 10" in full bloom. Its appearance is almost identical, but at a smaller scale. Glossy, green foliage is topped with densely packed spikes of vivid rose purple flowers in summer. Height: 8- 10”, Spread: 12-15” 030053 C1 $7.99 Fuzzy Wuzzy Typically grown as a ground cover for its attractive, soft, fuzzy, silver-gray leaves. Leaves in rosettes form a dense foliage mat to 8” off the ground. Small lavender flowers appear in summer on flow- ering stems rising to 14-16" tall. Spread: 10-12” 026000 C1 $9.99 byz . Helen Von Stein Leaves are velvety soft, greenish-silver, and shaped like its namesake. Height: 8-10”, Spread: 12-18” 007582 C1 $7.99 minima zones 5-9 Very rarely encountered in gardens, this charming low species first forms a ground-hugging rosette of large and crinkly leaves. In early summer it bears upright stems that hold chubby spikes of magenta- purple flowers. Height: 6-8”, Spread: 8-12” 026861 C1 $7.99 Summer Crush zones 4-9 Tiny pink and white bi-colored flowers appear in dense spikes atop mostly leafless stems. Forms attractive clumps of dark green, glossy ovate basal leaves. Height: 24-30”, Spread: 12-24” 033695 C1 $8.99

Stokesia Stokes Aster/Cornflower j p i d l ? Performs best in full sun and well-drained soil. It can adapt to dry or moist conditions, but cannot tolerate standing water. Deadhead spent flower stalks and cut back after flowering is finished. Blooms July-frost. Zones 5-9 Blue Danube Reminiscent of the blue Danube River, this selec- tion produces large lavender-blue flowers measur- ing 4-5 inches across. Deep green foliage is neatly mounding. Height: 12-18”, Spread: 12-15” 001311 C1 $10.99 Honeysong Purple Sports true royal purple flowers with a hint of red towards the center that darkens as it ages. The contrasting white stamens and purple-tinged stems add to its appeal. Height: 14”, Spread: 12-15” 004489 C1 $10.99 Peachie’s Pick This variety produces the typical lavender-blue Stokesia flowers. However, it blooms much longer and a bit later than others. It has an upright habit and healthy-looking, deep green foliage that remains attractive all season. Height: 18”, Spread: 18-24” 010911 C1 $9.99

‘Blue Danube’

‘Honey Song Purple’

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

‘Peachie’s Pick’

Photo courtesy of Stonehouse Nursery

‘Helen Von Stein’

Photo courtesy of Stonehouse Nursery



Photo courtesy of Little Prince®


Stylophorum Celandine Poppy p i & Best grown in medium to wet, humusy soils. Plants will go dormant in early summer if soils dry out. Will naturalize easily by self-seeding in optimum grow- ing conditions. Zones 4-9 diphyllum Features 4-petaled, yellow flowers which bloom in spring in small clusters atop stems typically grow- ing 12-18" tall. Blue-green, pinnately lobed foliage is silvery below. Height: 12-18”, Spread: 9-12” 027297 C1 $10.99

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

‘Fuzzy Wuzzy’

‘Summer Crush’

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