2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog

bushy mound of foliage. Height: 20-22”, Spread: 20-22” 027145 PW1 $12.99 Marcus This selection has a compact habit which makes it perfect for edging, containers, or other small spac- es. Dark violet-purple flowers are produced nearly all summer long, particularly if deadheaded. Height: 8-12”, Spread: 12” 009212 C1 $9.99 May Night Dark indigo-violet blooms on compact, mounding plants. In areas where the summers are hot, provide shade from the afternoon sun. Height: 24”, Spread: 28” 001276 C1 $7.99 Moulin Rouge FASHIONISTA®. Incredibly dark, deep rose buds burst open to huge, rosy pink flowers. The deepest shade of pink in the collection to date. Height: 24- 26”, Spread: 28-30” 028492 C1 $12.99 Perfect Profusion One of the very best Salvia for consistent rebloom. Soft icy blue flowers cover the perfectly rounded plant. Award Winner. Height/Spread: 16-20” 034475 PW1 $12.99 Pink Dawn This Salvia produces cotton candy pink flower spikes atop the mounded, aromatic foliage. Color Spires®. Height/Spread: 16-20” 034367 PW1 $12.99 Pink Profusion Enjoy these flowers again and again through sum- mer with rebloom! Dark pink flowers are produced on darker pink calyxes. Height/Spread: 16-20” 034476 PW1 $12.99 SENSATION® Sky Blue Compact, yet vigorous growers in a multitude of Colors. If deadheaded, plant continues to bloom through late summer. Height: 12”, Spread: 12” 015414 C1 $7.99 Sky Blue Marvel Light blue addition to the Marvel family, remove faded flowers to encourage repeat blooming. Height: 14-16”, Spread: 10-12” 028407 C1 $7.99 Snow Kiss COLOR SPIRES® This colorful perennial produc- es large white flowers with a soft pink lip atop the neatly mounded, aromatic foliage. Height: 22”, Spread: 24” 029641 PW1 $14.99 SWIFTY SERIES Densely packed spiked violet-blue and pink flowers over a green foliage. Compact growing habit. Flow- ers continuously from summer to frost and holds up well in the heat. Height: 8-12”, Spread: 12-18” Deep Rose 032107 C1 $7.99 Swifty Violet Blue 032108 C1 $7.99 Violet Profusion Violet blue flowers are produced o rosy purple calyxes on a rounded, dense habit. Rebloomer if deadheaded. Height: 14-16”, Spread: 16-20” 034474 PW1 $12.99 Violet Riot Produces a riot of vivid violet blue flowers with deep purple calyxes from late spring into early summer. Compared to ‘May Night’, it has a much denser habit, a more concentrated show of color, and a neater habit . Height: 22”, Spread: 20-24” 027867 PW1 $9.99 White Profusion Neatly mounded, compact Salvia that produces densely packed spires of cooling white blooms. Will rebloom if deadheaded. Height: 16-20”, Spread: 18-24” 034473 PW1 $12.99 Windwalker Royal Red Blooms for months starting in summer. Tall wands of cherry red flowers held on burgundy calyxes. Height: 3-4’, Spread: 3-4’ 026462 C1 $7.99

Sagina Corsican Pearlwort/ Irish Moss j k 0

Salvia Meadow Sage

j p b l h e q 2 d # ? 4 All varieties listed are easy to grow, requiring no excessive care. Removal of spent blooms will lengthen the flowering season. The leaves are aromatic when crushed. Blooms June-July. Zones 3-8 Provides a great show in the garden from April through July with blue-violet flower spikes rising from dense, sturdy, upright foliage. Height: 12-14”, Spread: 12-14” 024045 C1 $8.99 Azure Snow This Salvia boasts deep violet blue and white bicol- or flower spikes atop neatly mounded, aromatic foliage. Color Spires®. Height/Spread: 18-20” 026133 PW1 $7.99 Back to the Fuchsia COLOR SPIRES® This colorful perennial produc- es fuchsia pink flowers spikes atop the neatly mounded, aromatic foliage. Height/Spread: 22-24” 029640 PW1 $14.99 Blue by You Plants form a bushy clump of grey-green leaves, with upright spikes appearing in early summer. Features deep, violet-blue flowers over a long season. Nice compact habit. Height: 20-22”, Spread: 18-22” 032032 C1 $8.99 Blue Marvel zones 4-9 This especially compact selection with bright violet- blue blooms is a stunning addition to borders. The vivid flower spikes top upright stems of gray-green, deer and rabbit resistant foliage on a dense shrub- like habit. Height: 12”, Spread: 10-12” 024416 C1 $9.99 Bumbleberry Dark fuchsia pink flowers on dark wine purple calyxes on a petite habit of attractive deep green foliage. Height: 10-12”, Spread: 12-14” 026832 C1 $12.99 Caradonna Similar to 'East Friesland' but with two distinct differences: a rigidly upright habit and dark purple flower stems which accentuate the bright violet- blue flowers. Height: 24-30”, Spread: 15” 026105 C1 $7.99 Caramia Shorter and more compact than Caradonna with dark purple flowers. This plant has a compact hab- it, good branch structure, and flowers in its first year. Striking dark stems! Height: 14-18” 026106 C1 $9.99 Crystal Blue An incredibly unique light sky blue—the first of its kind. Dense, rounded clump of aromatic, grey- green foliage. Color Spires® collection. Height: 18- 20”, Spread: 24-26” 034366 PW1 $12.99 Dark Matter Forms an impressive display of large, dark blue flowers that bloom early and will rebloom through- out summer. Height: 18-20”, Spread: 20-22” 034505 C1 $7.99 Evening Attire The darkest, most vibrant blue Salvia of the FASH- IONISTA® collection. Huge, vivid violet blue flow- ers. Flowers are held on dark calyxes above dark green foliage. Height: 20-22”, Spread: 24-26” 028493 C1 $12.99 Indiglo Girl COLOR SPIRES® Flowers so rich and vibrant, they glow! Indigo blue flowers are held in dark calyxes and are produced on top of a vigorous, April Night zones 4-10

A creeping, moss-like, evergreen ground cover for use in a rock garden or around stepping stones in a pathway. Tiny white flowers appear atop the tight green carpet of foliage from late spring to mid-summer. Prefers moist, well drained soil. Zones 4-8 subulata A creeping, moss-like, evergreen groundcover that can be used as a replacement for lawn in cool- summer regions. Irish Moss is especially beautiful growing between pavers and flagstones on a path or wall. Height: 2-4”, Spread: 8” 001270 C1 $6.99 subulata Aurea Handsome, lush chartreuse to yellow moss-like foliage forms a soft mat that is good along walk- ways and between stepping stones. Tiny translu- cent white flowers add to its beauty in spring. Tolerates moderate foot traffic. Evergreen perennial. Height: 1”, Spread: 12” 008526 C1 $6.99



‘April Night’

‘Azure Snow’

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