2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Artemisia Wormwood/ Silver Mound j p r e q = 2 4 Artemisia tolerates exposure to sunlight and wind. This perennial is valued ornamentally for its foliage as flowers are insignificant. Well-drained soil is required. Garden Ghost zones 4-8 This silvery-leaved beauty adds texture and accent to the garden. Foliage starts out slightly green in color, maturing to a nice bright silver. Height: 12- 24”, Spread: 24-30” 033660 C1 $9.99 stelleriana Mori’s Strain zones 3-9 Silver-white foliage and stems. Deeply serrated leaves with yellow flowers. Height: 6”, Spread: 18- 24” 032267 C1 $7.99 Olympia zones 4-9 This winter hardy perennial forms deep-green mounds of fern-like foliage with red stems that look like evergreen shrubs. Height/ Spread: 14-18” 033732 C1 $7.99 schmidtiana Silver Mound zones 3-7 A compact semi-evergreen perennial forming a ravishing silky cushion of finely cut silver foliage. Height: 8-10”, Spread: 10-15” 009180 C1 $7.99 Silver Lining Broadly dissected silver leaves are showy from spring to fall. The mounded, low wide habit main- tains perfect form all season and resists opening up. Buff yellow flowers are held on tall scape but are insignificant. Height: 12-16”, Spread: 30-36” 035307 PW1 $9.99 Valerie Finnis Prized for its velvety foliage that begs to be touched. Bright silver form with lance-shaped leaves and pale yellow flowers. Height: 18-24”, Spread: 18” 028096 C1 $7.99

Arabis Wall Cress j a e h q 2 These require good drainage, particularly in the winter months. Shear plants lightly after blooming in order to maintain a bushy, compact habit. Catwalk White zones 3-7 Easy growing with superior garden performance. It features loose spreading rosettes of toothed, obo- vate, gray-green basal leaves, shorter ovate stem leaves and tiny, 4-petaled, white flowers which bloom in spring. Height: 6-12”, Spread: 1-16” 032099 C1 $7.99 Aralia Japanese Spikenard p i b e ? A thornless, rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial that grows somewhat rapidly tall as wide in a single season. Blooms from July to September. cordata Sun King 2020 Perennial Plant Asso. Plant of the Year® zones 3-8 A large shrub-like perennial is grown for its bright golden foliage (lime-green foliage in shade). Tiny white flowers bloom late summer and form purple berries in fall. Height: 3-4’, Spread: 3’ 025233 C1 $14.99 Arenaria Sandwort j e q k Sandwort is still relatively unknown to many gardeners. Foliage is similar to its cousin Dianthus as this plant has narrow, glossy green leaves that form prostrate mats of foliage. It is the perfect sub- stitute for moss in sunny areas. It will quickly fill in the spaces between stepping stones or trail down the sides of rock walls. Needs excellent drainage! Blizzard Compact Easy growing with superior garden performance. It features loose spreading rosettes of toothed, obo- vate, gray-green basal leaves, shorter ovate stem leaves and tiny, 4-petaled, white flowers which bloom in spring. Height: 4-8”, Spread: 6-10” 031692 C1 $7.99 Armeria Seathrift/Sea Pink j e q 2 = d b 0 Low tufted foliage and globe-shaped flowers. Deadheading will prolong flowering. Good drain- age required. Blooms May - June. Zones 3-8 Dreameria® Daydream Delicate pink flowers with white throats and tiny yellow stamens. Heat tolerance, tidy grass like foliage and petite size make it perfect for contain- ers and rock gardens. Height and Spread: 10-12” 035172 C1 $7.99

‘Catwalk White’

‘Sun King’

Photo courtesy of Syngenta® Flowers

‘Blizzard Compact’

NEW 2024

‘Dreameria® Daydream’

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors


‘Garden Ghost’

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

‘Mori’s Strain’

‘Silver Mound’

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