2024 Dayton Nursery Catalog

will grow anywhere except in wet soils. Height: 24- 36”, Spread: 12-24” 029828 C1 $10.99 Goldblitz Improved 'Goldsturm' which blooms three weeks earlier. Gold flowers with dark green foliage; com- pact growth habit. Butterfly loving plant and is deer resistant. Height: 24-28”, Spread: 14-18” 031919 C1 $14.99 This variety continues to increase in popularity because gardeners find it irresistible when they see a big plant in flower. This is a long-blooming cultivar with lots of golden orange black-eyed dai- sies forming a dome of color for many weeks in late summer. Height: 24”, Spread: 24” 007741 C1 $7.99 Sahara zones 5-9 It is not a mirage! Plant several of these beauties to add a gorgeous mix of subdued colors on jumbo -sized 4” double flowers. Height: 20”, Spread: 18” 030185 C1 $10.99 Sonora zones 5-9 Golden yellow tips with burgundy centers. Height: 16-20”, Spread: 12-18” 032271 C1 $7.99 Ruellia Wild Petunia j p b 2 & To improve the health and blooming time of this plant, remove the spent flowers. Blooms July- September. Zones 4-9 humilis A hummingbird favorite with trumpet-shaped laven- der blooms that attract long-tongued bees and butterflies, as well. Height: 18-24”, Spread: 18-24” 032993 C1 $7.99 Goldsturm zones 4-10

Pycnanthemum Blunt Mountainmint J j p ? 2 b & Performs well in bright shade, but best flowering often occurs in full sun. This plant is a vigorous grower that may spread by rhizomes in optimum conditions, but it is not invasive as are many of the true mints (Mentha). This densely leaved mountain mint features dark green leaves which have a strong mint-like aroma when crushed. Plant foliage is topped in mid to late summer by a bloom of two-lipped tubular pink flow- ers. Height/ Spread: 12-36” 027786 C1 $8.99 tenuifolium This stiff, erect, compact, clump-forming mint has narrow leaves with terminal flower clusters com- posed of numerous whitish to lavender flowers with purple spots. Height: 20-30”, Spread: 24-36” 035518 C1 $9.99 multicum zones 4-8

Rudbeckia Black-Eyed Susan j p b l e q d ? 4 u To improve the health and blooming time of this plant, remove the spent flowers. Blooms July-September. Zones 3-8(9) American Gold Rush zones 4-9 Finally, a Black Eyed Susan that's resistant to the Septoria leaf spot! Thanks to the thinner and hairier leaves, this hybrid Rudbeckia shows no signs of the fungus even in wet, humid conditions. A dome-like habit of golden yellow flowers with black centers are produced heavily from July to September. Height: 22-26”, Spread: 40-44” 026923 C1 $12.99 Autumn Colors Vivid blooms with red rings and brown centers top sturdy-stemmed plants. Height: 36-48”, Spread: 18-24” 027228 C1 $8.99 Blackjack Gold This is the perfect plant for providing a mass of yellow color in your garden! Longer blooming than the species, bearing small but plentiful, gold dai- sies with a dark cone on sturdy, well-branched stems. It adds cheerful yellow flowers to the late summer garden. Height: 36-40”, Spread: 18” 032058 C1 $9.99 hirta Chocolate Orange zones 5 Large daisy-like blooms with broad dark chocolate- brown centers and vivid golden-orange tips. Height: 18”, Spread: 18” 029979 C1 $7.99 Glitters Like Gold A hybrid selection with clean foliage year round because it is resistant to septoria leaf spot. 3" gold flowers appear summer through fall. Not fussy and

NEW 2024

‘American Gold Rush’



‘Autumn Colors’

‘Blackjack Gold’

‘Chocolate Orange’

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