2023 Dayton Nursery Catalog

pisifera Gold Thread zones 4 - 7 j a e

Golden, weeping, thread - like foliage creates inter esting texture in the garden. This dense, semi dwarf shrub grows slowly, usually to 6 - 7’ but may reach 15 - 20’ with optimal growing conditions. The golden - yellow color stays that way if the plant is sited in full sun. AKA filifera Aurea' Height: 6 - 7’, Spread: 6 - 7’ 007728 C3 $29.99 pisifera Golden Pincushion zones 4 - 8 j p a 2 Each plant will spread slowly in a low, irregular mound that suggests moss. Where exposed to more sun, the foliage turns brighter yellow. Height: 20” , Spread: 24 - 30” 022675 C3 $79.99 pisifera Lemon Thread zones 4 - 8 j a e A semi - dwarf, slow - growing, broadly - conical variety noted for its bright yellow thread - like foliage. Will typically grow to 3 - 5’ over the first 20 years but it may eventually reach 10 - 12’ tall with time. Height: 3 - 5’, Spread: 2 - 4’ 011059 C3 $49.99 pis ifera Minimus Variegata zones 4 - 8 j p a As its name suggests, 'Mini Variegated' Sawara cypress is a tiny dwarf evergreen with gray green foliage dotted with creamy white variegation. This is a very nice, year - round accent plant or low edg ing plant that will fit easily into any garden. Height: 2 - 2½ ’, Spread: 2 - 3’ 029289 C3 $34.50 pisifera Soft Serve® zones 4 - 8 j p a This soft, graceful evergreen has lovely color, too. A compact, conical false cypress with graceful, soft fern - like branches. The leaves are bright green on top and flecked with silver - blue on the under side. Height: 6 - 10’, Spread: 5 - 6’

‘ Gold Thread ’

‘ Golden Pincushion ’

‘ Lemon Thread ’

‘ Minima Variegata ’

033992 3’ BB $199.00 033923 4’ BB $279.00

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners

pisifera Vintage Gold zones 4 - 8 j a e

A dwarf, golden foliage form. It is an evergreen, mounding, globose cultivar that reportedly will reach a mature height of only 36" tall. It features golden, fine - textured, feathery foliage. Very slow growing. Height: 3’ (in 10 years)

033942 C1 $12.99 006284 C2 $29.99 008721 C3 $32.99

thy. Top Point zones 4 - 8 j p a `

Compact with interesting texture and a narrow habit. Displays two types of foliage; both needle like and scale - like. Height: 6’, Spread: 2’ 034241 C3 $81.99

‘ Soft Serve® ’

‘ Vintage Gold ’

Photo courtesy of Iseli Nursery

‘ Top Point ’

225 - 225 -

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