2023 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Aruncus Goats Beard p i r d ? The foliage is durable and very decorative. Will do best in a shady, moist location. In northern climates, it can be grown in full sun if provided with adequate moisture. Insects and diseases don't seem to bother this plant. Zones 3 - 7 aethusifolius A miniature Goat's Beard with the same traits as A. dioicus at roughly ⅓ the size. This selection grows only 12" tall with fine, glossy, fern - like foliage. From early to midsummer, plants are adorned with 3 - 4" long, feathery spikes of creamy white flowers. Height: 12”, Spread: 12 - 16” 003753 C1 $8.99 Chantilly Lace A part - shade loving perennial that produces beauti ful sprays of lacy, cream - colored flowers. A similar look to Astilbe, but more drought tolerant. Height: 30 - 32”, Spread: 40 - 48” 026128 PW1 $14.99 dioicus Looking much like a very large white Astilbe, Goat's Beard has similar foliage and feathery, creamy white flower plumes up to 1 ft. long. Though Arun cus tends to be a slow - grower the first couple of seasons, once it is established it puts on a fabulous show year after year. Height: 4 - 5’, Spread: 3 - 4’ 000109 C1 $7.99 dioicus ‘ Kneiffii ’ Features pinnately compound, rich green foliage which is deeply cut into thread - like segments and plume - like spikes of tiny, cream - colored flowers that bloom in late May. Height: 2½ - 3, Spread: 3 - 4’ 000110 C1 $14.99 Fairy Hair Sprays of creamy, triangular flower plumes that age to a darker color. Its foliage adds a whimsical touch to the garden with its needle - like, medium green leaves. Height: 20 - 24”, Spread: 20 - 24” 027108 C1 $14.99 Misty Lace In early summer, large, creamy white, feathery plumes are produced on dark red stems atop com pact mounds of astilbe - like foliage. Height: 36 - 42”, Spread: 18 - 24” 018010 C1 $14.99 Asarum Wild Ginger p i k canadense - Wild Ginger Low, colony - forming perennial. Each plant bears a pair of large, velvety, heart - shaped leaves. Grow ing at ground level between 2 leafstalks is a single darkish red - brown flower. Height: 4 - 8” 000111 C2 $14.99

NEW 2023

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

‘ Olympia ’

‘ Silver Mound ’

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors


‘ Chantilly Lace ’

Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors


Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens

Photo from Netherland Bulb Company

Photo from Netherland Bulb Company

‘ Kneiffii ’


‘ Misty Lace ’

‘ Fairy Hair ’

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