2023 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Arenaria Sandwort j e q k

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

Armeria Seathrift/Sea Pink j e q 2 = d b 0

A cousin of the popular Dianthus genus, Sandwort is still relatively unknown to many gardeners. Their foliage is similar as this plant has narrow, glossy green leaves that form prostrate mats of foliage. It is the perfect substitute for moss in sunny areas. It will quickly fill in the spaces between stepping stones or trail down the sides of rock walls. Blizzard Compact Easy growing with superior garden performance. It features loose spreading rosettes of toothed, obo vate, gray - green basal leaves, shorter ovate stem leaves and tiny, 4 - petaled, white flowers which bloom in spring. Height: 4 - 8”, Spread: 6 - 10” 031692 C1 $7.99

Low tufted foliage and globe - shaped flowers. Deadheading will prolong flowering. Good drain age required. Blooms May - June. Zones 3 - 8 Splendens Tufted evergreen leaves, exceptionally bright car mine rose flowers bloom over a long period in spring. Height: 8 - 10”, Spread: 9 - 12” 003776 C1 $7.99 Artemisia Wormwood/ Silver Mound j p r e q = 2 4 Some of the most easily grown plants in the world of perennials. They tolerate exposure to sunlight and wind. Well - drained soil is best. Garden Ghost ™ - Not Pictured zones 4 - 8 This silvery - leaved beauty adds texture and accent to the garden. Foliage starts out slightly green in color, maturing to a nice bright silver. Height: 12 - 24”, Spread: 24 - 30” 033660 C1 $9.99 stelleriana Mori ’ s Strain zones 3 - 9 Silver - white foliage and stems. Deeply serrated leaves with yellow flowers. Height: 6”, Spread: 18 - 24” 032267 C1 $7.99 Olympia zones 4 - 9 This winter hardy perennial forms deep - green mounds of fern - like foliage with red stems that look like evergreen shrubs. Height/ Spread: 14 - 18” 033732 C1 $7.99 schmiditiana Silver Mound zones 3 - 8 A non - flowering, fragrant plant whose distinctive dome of lacy, gray aromatic foliage.. It has long been one of the most popular silver foliage plants. Height: 8 - 10”, Spread: 10 - 15” 009180 C1 $7.99 NEW 2023

‘ Barranca ™ Deep Rose ’

Photo courtesy of Syngenta® Flowers

‘ Blizzard Compact ’

Photo courtesy of Growing Colors

‘ Catwalk White ’


‘ Mori ’ s Strain ’

‘ Sun King ’

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