2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Patriot j p i Ovate leaves have dark green centers and out standing, crisp white, streaked margins (margins are creamy-yellow in spring). Leaves are of better than average substance, are slightly wavy, and display good sun tolerance. Lavender flowers appear on 30" scapes. Height: 22”, Spread: 30”
010524 C1 $10.99 030445 C2 $19.99 012122 C3 $29.99
Rainbow’s End p i This unique Hosta exhibits incredibly variegated, shiny foliage. The bright yellow leaves of good substance have dark green margins that jet into the center, and the center brightens to creamy white in summer. Height: 11”, Spread: 21” Royal Crest p i j Medium green, shiny leaves that show heavier substance than traditional fragrant varieties. White flowers. Height: 28”, Spread: 50”, Scapes: 35” 0 28488 C1 $19.99 School Mouse p i This sport of ‘Church Mouse’ shares all the same great features as its parent but possesses a clearly defined yellow margin. Thick, coarsely wavy leaves have blue-green to green centers and creamy yellow margins that holds its color fairly consistent ly throughout the season. Height: 8”, Spread: 12” 028510 C1 $9.99 SHADOWLAND® Autumn Frost p i This striking Hosta forms a medium sized mound of showy, frosty blue leaves with extra wide, bright yellow margins. The margins lighten to creamy white and light lavender flowers are produced in summer. Height: 12”, Spread: 24” 025718 PW1 $19.99 SHADOWLAND® Diamond Lake p i Attractive, heart-shaped, thick and heavily corru gated blue leaves have wavy margins. The large size of this plant also translates to large leaves: they can get up to 9 inches wide by 11 inches long. Pale lavender flowers appear in early to midsum mer. Height: 17”, Spread: 45”, Scapes: 25-28” 026915 PW1 $19.99 SHADOWLAND® Etched Glass p i Bring style and refinement to your Hosta garden! Very wide, dark green margins contrast with a bright, brilliant yellow margin. Margins have puck ering when plant is mature. Near-white flowers. Height: 18”, Spread: 36” 019798 C1 $14.99 029523 C2 $19.99 031547 C3 $29.99 SHADOWLAND® Miss America p i A majestic Hosta that will capture your heart. Medium green, heart-shaped leaves and white centers and light green streaking. Near white flowers with a lavender pattern. Height: 19”, Spread: 55-61” 032001 PW1 $19.99 SHADOWLAND® Seducer p i Broadly, ovate leaves. Leaves are dark green with a slightly ruffled, gold margin and a trace of white between the center and margin. The white coloring needs the summer heat to develop full coloration. Near-white, flowers. Height: 26”, Spread: 36” NEW SHADOWLAND® Wheee! p i [ This delightfully fun, extremely ruffled Hosta makes a distinctive specimen in shade gardens and con tainers. Its green leaves have cream margins which widen as the plants mature, and the leaves are of good substance, making them more slug resistant. Light lavender flowers appear midsea son. Height: 11-18”, Spread: 30” 028511 PW1 $14.99 031493 PW2 $29.99 031546 C3 $39.99 026357 PW1 $19.99 031503 PW2 $29.99
‘Rainbow’s End’
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
‘Royal Crest’
‘School Mouse’
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
‘Snake Eyes’
SHADOWLAND® Wu-La-La p i Like the popular ‘Empress Wu’, but with an attrac tive margin! Blue-green leaves have striking apple green margins. Give the plant about 5 years to reach full maturity. Violet flowers. Height: 36-48”, Spread: 60-72” Snake Eyes p i Large mound of contrasting leaves with gold cen ters and a dark green margin. There is a splash of bright white between the center and margins. Lav ender flowers in summer. Height: 24”, Spread: 48” 029684 C1 $25.00 Sorbet p i Green leaves have creamy-white leaf margins and red petioles, leaves are dotted with red near the base, purple flowers appear in late summer. Height: 15”, Spread: 24” 028430 C1 $25.00 028512 PW1 $14.99 031504 PW2 $25.99 031544 C3 $35.00
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
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