2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Hosta Plantain Lily
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
p i b t = d h ? 4 Zones 3-9 unless otherwise stated.
Abiqua Drinking Gourd p i [ ` 2014 Hosta of the Year! The giant, deeply cupped, corrugated leaves do not lose their shape or stunning powder blue-green color, even in the hottest weather. Thick foliage resists slug damage. Stalks of white flowers rise above the foliage in summer. Height: 16-18”, Spread: 24-36” 000797 C1 $14.99 Age of Gold p i With golden yellow leaves, this is the perfect speci men for making a statement in the shade with its upright spreading habit and large smooth leaves. In midsummer, near white, tubular flowers appear with a very faint pale lavender central pattern on the interior petals. Height: 25”, Spread: 58” 027284 PW1 $9.99 undulata Albo Marginata p i Forms clumps of large green leaves with a wide creamy-white margin. Too much sun will bleach its green color. Lavender flowers. Height: 12-18”, Spread: 36-48” 000226 C1 $5.99 Amazone p i Medium size variety. Dark green margins flame inward to bold white centers. Lavender flowers bloom in summer. More sun resistant than other white centered varieties. Height: 20”, Spread: 24” 029678 C1 $12.99 Angel Falls p i The green margins measure up to 2” wide, with a lighter green area appearing where the margins and centers overlap. The mature leaves arch downward with a rippled margin. Light lavender flowers in summer. Height: 16”, Spread: 38” Big Daddy j p Huge, blue quilted leaves. Ice-white flowers on 36” stems. Height: 24”, Spread: 48” 028869 C1 $9.99 Blue Angel p i [ Huge, blue-green deeply veined leaves cascade downward. One of the largest blues available. Multiplies more rapidly than most of the large blue Hosta, so it reaches significant size without the long wait. White flowers. Height: 48” Blue Elf p i Short height but with larger leaves and true pow dery blue leaves. Height: 8”, Spread: 12-14” 025922 C1 $10.99 Blue Hawaii p i Giant, lightly puckered round blue-green leaves, foliage has a more upright vase-shaped appear ance, vigorous and maintains good color through out summer, tolerates some sun, fragrant white flowers. Height: 42”, Spread: 30” 022587 C1 $9.99 Blue Mouse Ears p i An adorable small Hosta with thick (almost rubbery), round, blue-green to gray-green leaves. Forms a perfectly symmetrical mound, moderate growth rate. Flower buds are held horizontally and swell like balloons before opening. Clusters of lavender, bell-shaped flowers are produced. Height: 8”, Spread: 12” 012695 C1 $9.99 012606 C2 $19.99 028508 C1 $10.99 031494 C2 $15.99 031542 C3 $25.00
‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd’
‘Age of Gold’
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
undulata ‘Albo-Marginata’
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
‘Big Daddy’
‘Angel Falls’
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
014411 C1 $12.99 027018 C2 $16.99
‘Blue Elf’
‘Blue Angel’
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