2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
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Helenium Sneezeweed j b d l ? 4 HayDay™ Gold Bicolor zones 4-9 Wedge-shaped, bright yellow skirts of layered petals twirl around a large chocolate-colored, spherical cone. Height: 18-24”, Spread: 12-18” 031915 C1 $10.99 MARIACHI™ SERIES zones 4-9 Dwarf heleniums in vibrant colors. Plants remain compact and flowers are held nicely above the foliage, excellent branching for continuous bloom all summer. Height: 18-20”, Spread: 20-24” Fuego 020148 C1 $10.99 Bright red and yellow bicolor flowers. Salsa 020149 C1 $10.99 Spicy, deep red, daisy-like flowers. NEW
Helianthus Perennial Sunflower j d * Autumn Gold zones 5-10 Narrow, dark green leaves give this plant a shrub like appearance during spring and summer. Gold en yellow flowers appear in late summer to early fall, covering the mounded foliage until hard frost. Height: 24-26” , Spread: 24” 028409 C1 $9.99
Mounding rosettes of serrated foliage. Prized for its early spring bloom. Grows best in moist soils with good drainage. Prefers cooler climates. Miss Clementine zones 3-7 Compact rosettes of attractive foliage of wiry stems carrying semi double to double flowers throughout April to September. Height: 1-2’, Spread: 12-18” 031973 C1 $14.99 Prairie Smoke ( triflorum ) zones 3-7 Its most distinguishing feature is not the reddish pink to purplish, nodding, globular flowers that bloom in late spring, but the fruiting heads which follow. As the flower fades and the seeds begin to form, the styles elongate (to 2" long) to form up right, feathery gray tails which collectively resem ble a plume or feather duster Height: 6-18”, Spread: 12” 029992 C1 $6.99 Gypsophila Baby’s Breath j 2 d 0 ? Cutting back after first bloom of the season will promote a second blooming. Summer Sparkles® zones 5-9 It forms a uniform, very dense, rounded clump of grey-green foliage that becomes completely cov ered in flowers from late spring through midsum mer. The white flowers are small, semi-double, and slightly fragrant. Height: 24-38”, Spread: 30-36” 026094 C1 $14.99 NEW
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
‘Autumn Gold’
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
‘HayDay™ Gold Bicolor’
‘Summer Sparkles®’
‘Miss Clementine’
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
‘Prairie Smoke’
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