2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
‘Artic Fox Rose’
‘Candy Mountain’
‘Dalmatian Creme’
‘Dalmation Peach’
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
Photo courtesy of Green Leaf Plants®
‘Dalmatian Purple’
‘Pink Panther®’
‘Sugar Plum’
purpurea Sugar Plum Tall spires of pink flowers with heavily speckled, dark purple throats are produced in early sum mer. The flowers are closely spaced on the stems, resulting in strong color impact in the gar den. Height: 30-42”, Spread: 12-24” 026838 C1 $7.99 Dodecatheon Shooting Star j p v e ` Prefers a moist to wet site. Will go dormant and disappear by mid summer, so do not disturb the area. Excellent for a bog or waterside planting, but adaptable to rich border conditions or the woodland garden. Zones 3-9 Aphrodite This forms a low rosette of rounded leaves, bear ing upright stems of bright magenta-pink flowers with a yellow center. Flowers are easily twice the size of other selections, with flared-back petals that give each blossom a star-like or rocket ship ap pearance. Height: 18-23”, Spread: 10-12” 027292 C1 $9.99
Digitalis Foxglove j p b l e q d Spikes of tubular flowers in June-July. Most are biennial. Before adding Preen to area, allow plant to go to seed to provide future plants. Zones 4-9 Arctic Fox Rose zones 5-9 Nodding, tubular rosy pink to peach blooms and tall, stately stems, that adds color to your land scape every year. Arctic Fox Rose is a rare peren nial hybrid foxglove that produces flowers yearly instead of biennially Height: 18-24” 029822 C1 $10.99 Candy Mountain The first Foxglove ever to have upward facing flowers instead of the usual downward facing ones. With this new angle, viewers can easily see the beautifully speckled throats of these rose-pink blossoms. Height: 3-4, Spread: 1-2’ 014277 C1 $7.99 Dalmatian Creme zones 4-11 Vigorous growing hybrids with strong upright stems
and large flowers, very uniform yet compact, creamy-white flowers with spotted maroon throats, well-branched stems produce secondary spikes for extended bloom. Height: 16-20”, Spread: 10-12” 029823 C1 $7.99 Dalmatian Peach A fast growing, first year flowering perennial foxglove with a strong growth habit and pure colored flowers. The flowers open a pretty shade of pinkish peach and then lighten to a soft peach color with tiny orange speckled throats. Height: 24 36”, Spread: 12” 021434 C1 $7.99 Dalmatian Purple zones 5-10 Striking columns of bell shaped flowers explode in color their first season. Low, mounded foliage is neat and compact. Height: 24-48” , Spread: 12-18” 015379 C1 $7.99 Pink Panther® zones 6-8 Upright clumping perennial with repeat blooms, making it excellent for a long season of color. Compact spikes display showy, large, vibrant rose pink, tubular flowers with a speckled throat inside. Height: 22”, Spread: 22” 029760 C1 $7.99
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