2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Ruby 031663 C1 $8.99 Eye-catching bouquet of a ruby-red flower with a green foliage. Violet 031668 C1 $8.99 Extremely high flower count of lilac color flowers that has a ruffled edge that easily covering the entire dianthus. White 031659 C1 $8.99 Abundances of small white exquisite flow ers with a light yellow center. There is a fringe like texture along the edge of the flower petal. SCENT FIRST® Coconut Surprise zones 5-9 Clear white double flowers with burgundy-red centers, spicy fragrance and very long blooming, tidy blue-green mounds, short stems do not flop. Height: 10-12”, Spread: 6-8” 028375 C1 $9.99 FRUIT PUNCH® Spiked Punch zones 4-9 Vibrant fuchsia pink, double flowers have deep red eyes and heavily serrated petals. Flowers are a little larger than other members of the series at 1½ -2” across. Height: 24”, Spread: 12” 026836 PW1 $12.99 STAR™ Neon Star zones 5-9 This selection forms a low, grassy cushion of grey -green leaves, bearing upright stems of deep magenta-pink single flowers with a spicy clove fragrance. Drought tolerant once NEW NEW NEW
and the opportunity for season-long blooms in full sun area. Dianthus is low maintenance and have very fragrant blooms that make exquisite cut flow ers. Will bloom Spring to Mid-Summer. Height 4 6”, Spread: 10-12” Peman 031664 PW1 $8.99 Double, rose-pink flowers with grey-green leaves. Fancy Cercis 031667 C1 $8.99 Double, fragrant dark pink. Fancy Lilac 031666 C1 $8.99 Vibrant double flower. Multicolor with shades of rich purple to pink to soft pink in the middle of one petal and bright white edge. Flower color changes as the blosom ages with time. Violet 031665 C1 $8.99 Stunning deep violet color that will pop in any sunny garden area. A breeding breakthrough in dianthus delivers extremely high flower count, easily covering the entire container when properly bulked. This is a compact series that is uniform vibrant in color and superior in the landscape! Colors: White, Com pact Ruby, Violet, Purple. Height 6-8”, Spread: 9 12” Purple 031662 C1 $8.99 Upright clusters of a rich vibrant purple. Red 026502 C1 $7.99 Lightly-scented, red lacy flowers. NEW ROCK SERIES zones 4-9
established. Height: 18-24”, Spread: 10-12” 003610 C1 $6.99
Superstar zones 5-9
This collection is considered the best in Dianthus genetics with attractive, mounding foliage, excel lent vigor and heat tolerance. Flowers are fragrant with a hint of cloves, long-blooming and come in wonderful color combinations. This selection fea tures serrated, overlapping petals in a white, hot pink and cherry combination. Heaviest bloom time is the spring but plants will bloom sporadically throughout the summer and into the fall. Height: 6 -8”, 8-12” 031699 C1 $7.99 Sweet™ Black Cherry zones 6-8 Velvety deep red blossoms of Dianthus Sweet Black Cherry cluster atop dark green foliage. Delicate pure white stamens absolutely glow against the rich coloring and appear to magically float above the flower. Fragrant flowers perfume the garden in late spring. Height: 18-36”, Spread: 10-12” 029165 C1 $7.99 Vivid Bright Light zones 5-9 Expect masses of vivid pink, intensely fragrant, 1" single flowers on strong stems from late spring, reblooming to fall on this eye catching alpine hy brid. Height: 6-8”, Spread: 10-12” 029723 C1 $8.99
Photo courtesy of Dummen Orange
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