2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog


Perennial Common to Latin Name Index

Alkanet / Brunnera Alpine Geranium / Erodium Alpine Strawberry / Fragaria Alyssum / Alyssum Asiatic Lily / Lilium asiatic Avens / Geum Baby ’ s Breath / Gypsophila Bachelor Button / Centaurea Balloon Flower / Platycodon Barrenwort / Epimedium Basket of Gold / Aurinia Beach Head Iris / Iris setosa Beard Tongue / Penstemon Bethlehem Sage / Pulmonaria Black - Eyed Susan / Rudbeckia Black Mondo Grass / Ophiopogon Blanket Flower / Gaillardia Blazing Star / Liatris Bleeding Heart / Dicentra Blue Bells / Mertensia Blue Cupidome / Pulmonaria Blue - Eyed Grass / Sisyrinchium Blue Fescue / Festuca glauca Blue Indian Grass / Sorghastrum Blue False Indigo / Baptisia Blue Oats Grass / Helictrotrichon Blue Star Creeper / Laurentia Border Carnation / Dianthus Boston Ivy / Parthenocissus Bugbane / Cimicifuga Bugleweed / Ajuga Buttercup Shrub / Potentilla Butterfly Bush / Buddleia Butterfly Flower/Weed / Asclepias Candytuft / Iberis Bee Balm / Monarda Bee Blossom / Gaura Bellflower / Campanula Christmas Fern / Polystichum acr. Cinnamon Fern / Osmunda cinn. Cinquefoil / Potentilla Clematis / Clematis Climbing Hydrangea / Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Columbine / Aquilegia Cone Flower / Echinacea Coral Bells / Heuchera Corkscrew Rush / Juncus Corn Flower / Stokesia Corsican Pearlwort / Sagina Corydalis / Corydalis Cranesbill / Geranium Creeping Jenny / Lysimachia Creeping Phlox / Phlox subulata Creeping Thyme / Thymus Crocosmia / Crocosmia Cushion Spurge / Euphorbia Daylily / Hemerocallis Delphinium / Delosperma Dropwort / Filipendula Dwarf German Iris / Iris pumila English Daisy / Bellis Cape Fuchsia / Phygelius Cardinal Flower / Lobelia Carnation / Dianthus Catchfly / Silene Catnip/Catmint / Nepeta Chives / Allium

English Ivy / Hedera helix English Lavender / Lavandula European Dune Grass / Elymus Evening Primrose / Oenothera False Dragon Head / Physostegia False Sunflower / Heliopsis Feather Flower / Astilbe Figwort / Scrophylaria Fleece Flower / Fallopia Foamflower / Tiarella Foamy Bells / Heucherella Forget - Me - Not / Myosotis Fountain Grass / Pennisetum Foxglove / Digitalis Foxtail Lily / Eremurus Garden Peony / Paeonia lactiflora Garden Phlox / Phlox paniculata Gas Plant / Dictamnus Gayfeather / Liatris German Iris / Iris germanica Germander / Teucrium Giant Hyssop / Agastache Giant Reed Grass / Arundo Ginger / Asarum Globe Thistle / Echinops Globeflower / Trollius Goat ’ s Beard / Aruncus Goldenrod / Solidago Grecian Rose / Geum Hakone Grass / Hakonechloa Hardy Ageratum / Eupatorium Hardy Aster / Aster Hardy Gazania / Gazania Hardy Gloxinia / Incarvillea Hardy Ground Orchid / Bletilla Harebell / Campanula Hens & Chicks / Sempervivum Heronsbill / Erodium Hollyhock / Alcea Hollyhock Mallow / Malva Honeysuckle / Lonicera Hosta / Hosta Hummingbird Mint / Agastache Hyssop / Agastache Ice Plant / Delosperma Indian Grass / Sorghastrum Jacob ’ s Ladder / Polemonium Japanese Anemone / Anemone Japanese Blood Grass / Imperta Japanese Fleece Flower / Polygonum Japanese Iris / Iris ensata Japanese Painted Fern / Athyrium nip. Pictum Japanese Spurge / Pachysandra Japanese Toad Lily / Tricyrtis Joe Pye Weed / Eupatorium Jupiter ’ s Beard / Centranthus Lace Plant / Persicaria Lady Fern / Athyrium felix - femina Lady ’ s Mantle / Alchemilla

Little Blue Stem Grass / Schizachyrium Loose Strife / Lysimachia/Lythrum Louisiana Iris / Iris louisiana Lungwort / Pulmonaria

Sedge Grass / Carex Selfheal / Prunella grandiflora Sensitive Fern / Onoclea sensiblis Setosa Iris / Iris setosa Shasta Daisy / Leucanthemum Shield Fern / Dryopteris filix - mas Siberian Iris / Iris siberica Silkweed / Asclepias Silver Lace Vine / Polygonum Silver Mound / Artemisia Snakeroot / Cimicifuga Sneezeweed / Helenium Snow Drop Anemone / Anemone Snow in Summer / Cerastium Snow - on - the - Mountain / Aegopodium Soft Needle Fern / Polystichum set. Solomon ’ s Seal / Polygonatum Speedwell / Veronica Spiderwort / Tradescantia Spirea / Astilbe Spotted Dead Nettle / Lamium Sweet Flag / Acorus Sweet Violet / Viola Sweet William / Dianthus barbatus Sweet Woodruff / Galium Sweet Pea / Lathyrus Switch Grass / Panicum Tall Bearded Iris / Iris germamica Tall Phlox / Phlox andresii Tall Moor Grass / Molinia Tickseed / Coreopsis Tiger Lily / Lilium tigrinum Toad Lily / Tricyrtis Tree Mallow / Lavatera Tree Peony / Paeonia suffruticosa Trumpet Vine / Campsis Turtlehead / Chelone Twinspur / Diascia Wallflower / Cherianthus White Boltonia / Boltonia White Gaura / Gaura Wild Sweet William / Phlox div. Windflower / Anemone Wintergreen / Gaultheria Willowleaf Sunflower / Helianthus Wisteria / Wisteria Wolfsbane / Aconitum Wood Lily / Trillium Wormwood / Artemisia Yarrow / Achillea Yellow Archangel / Lamiastrum Yellow Flag / Iris pseudacorus Yellow Wax Bells / Kirengeshoma Zebra Iris / Iris pallida Variegated Maiden Grass / Micanthus s. Variegatus Variegated Solomon ’ s Seal / Polygonatum Verbena / Verbena Virginia Creeper / Parthenocissus Violet / Viola Spotted Dog / Pulmonaria St. John ’ s Wort / Hypericum Star Flower / Boltonia Statice / Limonium Stoke ’ s Aster / Stokesia Stonecrop / Sedum Sundrop / Oenothera Sun Rose / Helianthemum

Lupines / Lupinus Magic Lily / Lycoris

Maiden Grass / Miscanthus sinensis Maidenhair Fern / Adiantum pedatum Male Fern / Dryopteris filix - mas Maltese Cross / Lychnis Masterwort / Astrantia Mazus / Mazus Meadow Phlox / Phlox maculata Meadow Rue / Thalictrum Meadow Sage / Salvia Meadow Sweet / Filipendula Milkweed / Asclepias Mondo Grass / Ophiopogon Moneywort / Lysimachia Monkshood / Acontium Montbretia / Crocosmia Muhly Grass / Muhlenbergia Mullein / Verbascum Mum / DendranthemaChrysanthemum Musk Mallow / Malva sylvestris Myrtle / Vinca minor Narrow Leaf Blue Star / Amsonia Obedient Plant / Physostegia Oriental Lily / Lilium orientalis Oriental Poppy / Papaver orientale Ostrich Fern / Matteuccia cary. Ox Eye / Heliopsis Pachysandra / Pachysandra Painted Daisy / Tanacetum/Pyrethrum Partridge Berry / Gaultheria Pearlwort / Sagina Periwinkle / Vinca minor Pincushion Flower / Scabiosa

Pincushion Plant / Knautia Pink Turtle Head / Chelone Plantain Lily / Hosta Plumbago / Ceratostigma Plume Grass / Erianthus Poppy / Papaver orientale Poppy Mallow / Callirhoe Potentilla / Potentilla Prairie Mallow / Sidalcea Primrose / Primula Purple Loose Strife / Lythrum Purple Rock Cress / Aubrieta Ragwort / Ligularia Red Hot Poker / Kniphofia Red Valerian / Centranthus Reed Grass / Calamagrostis Resurrection Lily / Lycoris Rock Cress / Arabis Rock Soapwort / Saponaria Rodger ’ s Flower / Rogersia Rosemallow / Hibiscus Royal Fern / Osmunda regallis Russian Sage / Perovskia Sage / Salvia Sandwort / Arenaria Saxifraga / Bergenia Sea Holly / Eryngium Sea Lavender / Limonium Sea Oats Grass / Chasmanthium Seathrift / Armeria

Lamb ’ s Ears / Stachys Larkspur / Delphinium Lavender / Lavandula

Leadwort / Ceratostigma Lenten Rose / Helleborus Lewisia / Lewisia Lily of the Valley / Convallaria Lily Turf / Liriope

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