2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
Coreopsis Tickseed j b l e d 0 ? u
They are easy to place, requiring only a sunny spot with average garden soil. All are very heavy bloomers and cut well. Give the thread-leaf types a hard shearing to promote re-bloom. Blooms June to July with some blooming until fall.
Color: Golden yellow and red Bloom: 2”, slightly overlapping Foliage: Broadleaf Size: 12-18” x 8-12” Blooms from June to August! 005326 C1 $6.99 grandiflora ‘Baby Sun’
‘Berry Chiffon’
Raspberry Red
Bloom: Full, single Foliage: Threadleaf, dark green Size: 15-18” x 18-24” SATIN & LACE™. Resistant to mildew. 027162 C1 $12.99
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors Photo courtesy of Walters Garden
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
Color: Sunset orange Bloom: 1¾” wide, single, flat Foliage: Threadleaf, gray-green Size: 15-18” x 22-26” SIZZLE & SPICE™ Series. 028094 C1 $10.99 ‘Crazy Cayenne’
‘Cruizin Broad Street
verticillata ‘Curry Up’
Color: Orange-reed Bloom: Full, single Foliage: Narrow threadleaf, dark green Size: 15-18” x 16-18” Blooms all summer till frost! 022562 C1 $7.99
Golden yellow with dark red
Bloom: 1½”, single, flat Foliage: Bright green, threadleaf Size: 15-18” x 22-26” SIZZLE & SPICE™. Flowers all summer. 027281 C1 $12.99
grandiflora ‘Double the Sun’
‘Electric Sunshine’
Color: Golden yellow Bloom: 2-3”, semi-double, clear Foliage: Medium green, broad Size: 12-14” x 14-16” An early blooming variety! 027231 C1 $8.99
Color: Orange-red and gold Bloom: Sing, up-curved Foliage: Dark green, broad Size: 8-12” x 12-18”
Bright yellow and red center
Bloom: Full, single Foliage: Threadleaf, light green Size: 18-24” x 18-32”
Li’L BANG™. Shower of bicolors. 022561 C1 $10.99
Flowers from Spring till late Fall. 031718 C1 $7.99
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