2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Baptisia Blue False Indigo j b d 2 0
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Baptisia australis is native to the prairies of North America, so it is easy to grow and will thrive with little maintenance. There are many potential appli cations in the landscape including meadow plant ings, as a backdrop in borders, or as a specimen. Plants are very long-lived once established. In fall, the seed pods turn charcoal black and make an American Goldfinch Nothing says American like this big, bold, and beautiful native cultivar, which will make a dramatic statement in your garden come late spring. Gor geous, golden yellow flower spikes rise up above its wide habit. Height: 3-3½’, Spread: 4½-5’ 028196 PW2 $19.99 Blue Bubbly Its vase-like habit is topped with densely packed, lavender-blue flowers. The long, 16" flower spikes make for an extended season of bloom. Height: 4 4½’, Spread: 3½-4’ 029656 PW1 $19.99 Burgundy Blast A color break for False Indigo! The shade of purple is redder than the typical purple Baptisia. Dark wine purple flowers are produced over very dark blue-green foliage. When it is in bloom, it is a stun ning display of color. Height: 3-3½’, Spread: 3-3½’ 031236 C1 $14.99 Dark Chocolate Nearly black, charcoal purple flowers, on long flower spikes-up to 27 inches long. The flowers grow well out of the foliage, an improvement on its predecessor. Height: 36-42”, Spread: 36” 027278 PW1 $19.99 Honey Roasted Long 10" spikes of dark mahogany flowers have bright yellow keels, producing a wonderful bicolor effect. Height: 3-3½’, Spread: 3½-4’ 031121 C1 $14.99 Pink Lemonade Soft yellow flowers age to dusty raspberry purple, and both colors appear on the stem at the same time. Charcoal stems really make the colors pop. Height: 36-42”, Spread: 48” 027279 PW1 $19.99 interesting addition to fall bouquets. Zones 4-9 unless otherwise stated.
‘American Goldfinch’
‘Blue Bubbly’
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
‘ Dark Chocolate ’
‘Burgundy Blast’
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
‘Tasso™ Strawberries & Cream’
Bellis English Daisy j p i e 0 Will do great in light shade with some moisture. Tasso™ Strawberries & Cream zones 4-8 Varying shades of light pink to strawberry, the flowers are fully double. The plant is very compact with short, strong stems! Height: 4-10”, Spread: 8 10” 006747 C1 $6.99
‘Pink Lemonade’
‘Honey Roasted’
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