2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
David Austin English Roses All David Austin roses have a collective style and reflect one man ’ s vision. All have beautiful blooms and in most cases wonderful fragrance held on graceful attractive shrubs. A garden of these outstanding roses is hard to beat for sheer exuberance of flower and fragrance. strong fragrance! Benjamin Britton® (Ausencart) Here is a variety of unusual coloring for an Eng lish Rose - strong salmon - pink that changes with age to a particularly strong shade of pure pink. Deeply cupped flowers gradually develop into an open, slightly cupped rosette. Benjamin Britten is a useful rose to provide a highlight among the softer shades of most English Roses. Color: Glowing deep red - pink Height/Habit: 4’, medium, upright shrub Bloom: Medium, 60 petals, rosette shaped Fragrance: Moderate fruit, hints of wine Part Number/ Price: 023236 C3 $39.99 Charles Darwin® (Auspeet) The flowers are very full and rounded at first, then opening up to a shallow cup. They are a lovely shade of rich yellow - almost Old Gold - sometimes with lemony or sandy tints. It makes a most attractive, bushy and eye catching shrub that is very healthy and would be ideal for to wards the front of a mixed or pure rose border. Color: Yellow Height/Habit: 3 - 4’, bushy Bloom: Large, repeat flowering, Fragrance: Strong tea & pure lemon Part Number/ Price: 015338 C3 $39.99 Charlotte ™ (Auspoly) Bears exquisite yellow flowers. These start off beautifully cupped, later opening out to form rosettes. Each bloom is packed with numerous small petals, arranged around a classic button eye. It has excellent green foliage and a com pact, bushy habit with even, upright growth. Color: Soft yellow Height/Habit: 4’, medium, compact, bushy Bloom: Medium, rosette - shaped, cupped Fragrance: Light to medium tea Part Number/ Price: 023238 C3 $39.99 Crown Princess Margareta (Auswinter) A vigorous climber, bearing neat, fragrant, apri cot - orange rosettes. They are produced with exceptional freedom and regularity. Color: Apricot - orange Height/Habit: 12”, medium, climbing rose Bloom: Large flower, 120 petals Fragrance: Strong fruity Part Number/ Price: 011016 C3 $39.99 Emily Bronte (Ausearnshaw) An exceptionally beautiful rose; the dis tinctive blooms are very neat and rather flat. Each bloom is a lovely soft pink, with a sub tle apricot hue, the smaller central petals deep ening to rich apricot and surrounding a button eye, which unfurls to reveal deep - set stamens. Color: Soft pink apricot fading to cream Height/Habit: 4’, medium, bushy, upright Bloom: Large flower, old - fashioned, flat Fragrance: Strong tea Part Number/ Price: 031944 C3 $39.99 Golden Celebration® (Ausgold) One of the largest - flowered English Roses, bear ing rich yellow blooms in the form of giant cups. They have a strong Tea fragrance, developing wonderfully combined notes of Sauternes wine and strawberry. It forms a rounded shrub, with ample foliage – the flowers held beautifully poised on long, arching branches. Color: Rich yellow Height/Habit: 36 - 42”, large, round Bloom: Large flower, 75 petals Fragrance: Strong tea Part Number/ Price: 003625 C3 $39.99 NEW
Lichfield Angel (Ausrelate) Pale peachy pink buds gradually open to
The flowers have a medium strength fragrance, which is a perfect balance of Tea and myrrh. It will quickly reach some height and still produce flowers and leaves lower down the plant. Color: Soft yellow Height/Habit: 12’, English medium climber Bloom: Large, flat, rosettes, 140 petals Fragrance: Medium tea and myrrh Part Number/ Price: 031955 C3 $39.99 Tranquility (Ausnoble) Beautifully rounded flowers, with neatly placed petals making up perfect rosettes. The buds are lightly tinged with yellow but as the flowers open they become pure white. A vigor ous shrub; its growth is bushy and upright, clothed in light green foliage, curving outwards in a most attractive manner. With its pure white flowers, this rose lives up to its name. Color: White Height/Habit: 4’, medium, English shrub Bloom: Large, rosettes, 110 petals Fragrance: Light, fruity Part Number/ Price: 031948 C3 $39.99 Winchester Cathedral® (Auscat) A white sport of ‘ Mary Rose ’, with the occasional touch of pink. It produces a mass of medium large sized, loose petalled, fragrant rosettes, and continues to bloom at regular intervals through out the summer. A well - shaped shrub with twig gy, bushy growth and nice foliage. Color: White Height/Habit: 4’, medium, bushy Bloom: Medium to large, rosettes, 60 petals Fragrance: Medium, old rose Part Number/ Price: 004995 C3 $39.99 Wisley 2008 (Ausbreeze) The perfect rosette flowers are shallowly cupped, about 3” across, and are a very pure light pink. The outer petals pale prettily towards the edges. The growth is elegantly arching, pro ducing its flowers along the stems and building up into a fine, vigorous shrub. Color: Light pink Height/Habit: 4’, large, vigorous Bloom: 3”, large, cupped, 95 petals Fragrance: Light fruity Part Number/ Price: 031946 C3 $39.99 Wollerton Old Hall (Ausblanket) A wonderfully fragrant climber – its strong, warm myrrh fragrance has intense hints of citrus. The buds have attractive flashes of red, open to beautifully rounded, chalice - shaped blooms of pale apricot, eventually paling to cream. Color: Pale apricot Height/Habit: 12’, medium climber Bloom: Medium, rounded, 45 petals Fragrance: Strong myrrh Part Number/ Price: 024061 C3 $39.99 NEW NEW
form neatly cupped, cream rosettes. Each bloom has a perfect ring of waxy petals enclosing nu merous smaller petals. Eventually the petals turn back to form a large, domed flower. It forms a vigorous, rounded, almost thornless shrub, its blooms nodding attractively on the branch. Color: Cream Height/Habit: 5’, large, round, vigorous Bloom: Large, cupped, 100 petals Fragrance: Light musk Part Number/ Price: 031947 C3 $39.99 Molineux (Ausmol) Bears medium - sized neat rosette blooms – tinged with orange at first, quickly becoming rich yellow. It has a light - medium musky Tea Rose scent. The growth is compact, even and upright. Color: Rich yellow Height/Habit: 4’, compact, medium, upright Bloom: Repeat flowering, 120 petals Fragrance: Light to medium musky tea rose Part Number/ Price: 028325 C3 $39.99 Princess Alexandra of Kent (Ausmerchant) The unusually large, bright pink flowers are full petalled and deeply cupped. In spite of their size, they are never clumsy, being held nicely poised on a well - rounded shrub. There is a strong and delicious fresh Tea fragrance, which changes to lemon, eventually taking on hints of blackcur rants. Color: Bright Pink Height/Habit: 5’, large, rounded Bloom: Large, cupped Fragrance: Strong tea Part Number/ Price: 028323 C3 $39.99 Queen of Sweden Exquisite little buds open to half enclosed cups, eventually becoming wide, shal low, upward - facing cups of pleasing formality. The color begins as soft - apricot pink, gradually changing to pure soft pink over time. There is a lovely myrrh fragrance. It forms a bushy, yet upright shrub. Color: Light pink Height/Habit: 5’, large, English shrub Bloom: Medium, repeat flowering, 140 petal Fragrance: Moderate myrrh Part Number/ Price: 031945 C3 $39.99 Strawberry Hill (Ausrimini) Beautiful at all stages, bearing small clus ters of mid pink, medium - large, cupped rosettes. They have a strong, delicious myrrh and heather honey fragrance. The arching branches are clothed in glossy, dark foliage. Color: Mid pink Height/Habit: 10’, short climbing rose Bloom: Medium - large, clusters, cupped Fragrance: Strong, myrrh and honey Part Number/ Price: 032524 C3 $39.99 Teasing Georgia® (Ausbaker) A particularly free - flowering climber, producing impressive displays of blooms into fall. The re fined rosette flowers are rich yellow at the center, fading to palest yellow on the edges. Color: Deep yellow Height/Habit: 12’, medium climbing rose Bloom: :Large, rosette Fragrance: Medium Part Number/ Price: 006026 C3 $39.99 Tess of the d ’ Urbervilles® (Ausmove) A striking climber bearing large, deeply cupped, bright crimson - red blooms, with a pleasing Old Rose fragrance. It is a relatively compact climber clothed in large, dark green leaves. Color: Crimson - red Height/Habit: 8’, short climber, compact Bloom: Large, cupped, repeat flowering Fragrance: Medium, Old rose Part Number/ Price: 023246 C3 $39.99 The Pilgrim® (Auswalker) This variety has particularly beautiful blooms. The buds open to reveal many petalled cups, which gradually form large, flat rosettes. The color is a very attractive shade of soft yel low, the petals paling prettily towards the edges. NEW NEW
David Austin English Roses
‘ Benjamin Britten® ’
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