2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Chasmanthium Sea Oats Grass j p e r This grass is tolerant of most conditions from sun to shade, and wet to dry locations. However, it will do best in moist soil and part shade. The clumping, upright, light green bamboo-like foliage turns copper in late summer. Showy green/copper flowers dangle like earrings. Height: 3-4’, Spread: 2-3’ 011983 C2 $17.99 latifolium zones 3-8 Deschampsia Gold Dew Tufted Hair j p e & Colorful, fine textured native grass loved for its profuse display of misty, golden flowers and attrac tive seed heads that hold through winter. Goldtau zones 4-9 Seed heads emerge from dark green stems in an explosion of chartreuse-yellow, eventually chang ing to bronze. Clump growing, semi evergreen, fine textured leaves, and thin stems topped with sprays of airy delicate flowers. Height: 1-2’, Spread: 1-2’ 031641 C2 $16.99 Avail. 8-1 Erianthus Hardy Pampas Grass, Plume Grass j ? e d = Having an upright arching form, the gray-green leaves reach a height of about 5 feet. In late sum mer, dynamic flower spikes reach skyward, achiev ing impressive heights of 8 to 12 feet. Silvery flow er panicles with hints of purple top these spikes and then brighten to white in fall. Height: 9-12’, Spread: 6-8’ 001431 C1 $10.99 Festuca Blue Fescue Grass j e t Zones 4-8 Blue Select zones 4-9 Forms tall perfectly round, dense mounds of fine gracefully bending silver-blue foliage. Blue Select Fescue is more uniform in size, with more vibrant color than common Blue fescue. Height: 10-12”, Spread: 4-8” 031700 C1 $9.99 glauca Blue Whiskers Compared to classic variety ‘Elijah Blue’, ‘Blue Whiskers’ is a taller, more vigorous variety, with longer leaves and a brighter blue foliage color. The finely textured, bright silvery blue leaves form a fully rounded, robust clump with consistent flower coverage across the habit. Yellow-green flowers appear above the clump on 18-22” scapes in early summer and age to tan as the season progresses. Height: 10-12”, Spread: 24-28” 031361 C1½ $14.99 ravennae zones 5-9
‘Blue Select’
Photo courtesy of Hoffman Nursery
‘ Blue Whiskers ’
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
‘ Blue Whiskers ’
glauca Elijah’s Blue Cool season ornamental grass that displays wonderful evenly rounded tufts of thin blue grass. Color of plant holds well throughout summer. Remove old foliage which accumulates at the base of the plant. Height: 8”, Spread: 12” 031362 C1½ $14.99
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