2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Type B – Very unique sharply pointed petals are silvery pink and edged in purple. The anthers are purple at the base with cream colored tips. Named in recognition of the great volunteer work that Sa maritans offer to people in distress. All volunteers are known as Samaritan Jo. Bloom Time: June– September, Height: 4-5’ 023748 C1½ $22.99 Sapphire Indigo™ Type C – Long lasting 4” dark purple blooms that fade to deep blue. Remains short and can be used as a weed smothering ground cover and allowed to sprawl through your garden. Bloom Time: June Sept, Height: 3’ 021160 C1½ $22.99 Silver Moon Type B – Features profuse, wavy margined, 6-8” pale silver lilac flowers with pale yellow stamens cover this vine in summer. Flowers may be cut and floated in bowls. Height: 8-10’ 023911 C1½ $22.99 Snow Queen Type B – A compact large flowering Clematis pro ducing white with pink tinged flowers ideal for con tainer use and as a cut flower. Bloom Time: May July, Height: 6-8’ 011904 C1½ $19.99 Sparky™ Blue Sparky Blue clematis isn't your run-of-the-mill flow ering vine. It blooms earlier in spring than other clematis, and with flowers like nothing else you've seen. Each looks like a whirring pinwheel of color ful petals around a fluffy yellow center, and ap pears on elegant, slender stems from among deli cately toothed foliage. Sparky clematis are atro gene types, which flower on old wood. This means little to no pruning is required, and if you do want to/need to prune, a light clean up after the spring bloom is all that is necessary. Height: 6-9’ 028907 PW1½ $29.99 Sparky™ Pink This beautiful, early-blooming clematis embraces the season with cool spiky flowers, with each bloom like a whirring pinwheel around a prominent yellow center. Sparky clematis are atrogene types, which flower on old wood. This means little to no pruning is required, and if you do want to/need to prune, a light clean up after the spring bloom is all that is necessary. Height: 6-9’ 028906 PW1½ $29.99 Stand by Me Type C – A non-vining herbaceous Clematis that dies back to the ground at the end of the growing season. Blue bell-shaped flowers. Benefits from staking, cages or neighboring plants for support. Height: 34-38”, Spread: 24-36” 028516 PW1 $21.99 Sugar Candy Type B – Clematis Sugar Candy produces 6 to 7 inch mauve pink flowers with a darker pink bar down the center of the petals. Blooms in late spring through early summer and again in late summer. Height: 8-10’ 012097 C1½ $22.99 Sunset Type B – Dark velvet red 5-7″ flowers with purple petal edges. Vigorous growing plant blooming continuously May-September. A real eye catcher! Height: 6-8’ 014968 C1½ $20.99 Sweet Summer Love™ Type C – Full sun, wouldn’t it be great if Sweet Autumn clematis flowered sooner and longer and came in other colors? Now it does! Sweet Summer Love gives you everything you want: the flowers, the fragrance, the ease of growth and cranberry violet blooms that start over a month earlier than others. Bloom Time: July-August & October, Height: 10-15’ 020810 PW1½ $22.99 Sweet Autumn - Not Pictured Type C – Small, pure white flowers emerge in August and September and by fall, be come a silvery mass of fluffy seed heads. A prolific grower as well as bloomer, it can “take over” if left NEW
unchecked, so sweet autumn clematis is consid ered somewhat invasive by many. Flower Size: 2”, Bloom Time: August-September, Height: 15-30’ 011905 C1½ $20.99 Tangutica Type C – Striking small yellow bell-shaped flowers. Fast growing hardy vine. Blooms July thru October. Height: 13’ 012098 C1½ $20.99 Tranquilité™ Type C – A compact, flowering clematis from early to mid-summer and again from late summer into early autumn; flowers are pale mauve -blue with a white central bar and have crimped and wavy margins. Height: 4-5’ 030755 C1½ $22.99 Ville de Lyon Type B/C – Any site, rounded flowers with a car mine edge that fades into a lighter inner area and large yellow anthers. Flower Size: 4-6”, Bloom Time: June-September, Height: 8-12’ 011905 C1½ $20.99 Westerplatte Type B – Can take sun to part shade sunlight. An impressive cultivar with large very rich red velvety flowers and deep red anthers. Excellent for grow ing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. Flower Size: 4-6”, Bloom Time: June September, Height: 7-10’ 019430 C1½ $20.99 Will Goodwin Type B – a true blue Clematis, deeply veined with frilled edges and golden stamens. Impressive blos soms are 6 to 8 inches across, abundantly borne June through September. Height: 8-10’ 012103 C1½ $20.99 NEW
Petit Faucon™ Type C – A stunning new non-clinging clematis with bronze green new foliage. Free flowering compact plant for the mixed border. The intense deep blue four petal flowers reveal an orange, yellow center as they age. Very hardy! Bloom Time: June-Sept, Flower Size: 3-5”, Height: 3’ 014960 C1½ $20.99 Picardy™ Raymond Evison Collection Type B – A very free flowering pretty, 4” red/purple flowers that have reddish brown anthers. Suitable for container growing as it is a great bloomer and blooms all along the stem. Bloom Time: June August, Height: 4’ 025638 C1½ $22.99 Piilu Type B – Compact variety. The soft pink flowers with deeper pink central bars bloom as double flowers in late spring then as singles late summer. Bloom Time: Late spring & late summer, Flower Size: 6”, Height: 4-5’ 014219 C1½ $20.99 Pink Champagne Type B – Vivid purple-red to deep pink flowers with a paler mauve central bar and contrasting, creamy yellow anthers appear on this selection. AKA ’Kakio’. Flowers profusely in May to June and then repeats in September. Height: 6-8’ 016647 C1½ $20.99 Pink Fantasy Type B – The 4-6″ flowers are shell-pink with a deeper bar. The blooms are produced from June to September. Height: 6-8’ 016648 C1½ $21.99 Polish Spirit (viticella) Raymond Evison Collection Type C – Deep purple-blue flowers with a slight purple-red bar. Deep red anthers. Considered easy to grow and ideal for beginners, this cultivar was raised by Brother Stefan Franczak of Poland in 1984 and introduced by Raymond Evison in 1990. ‘Polish Spirit’ is now generally considered to be a ‘Jackmanii’ type. Height: 8-10’ 012094 C1½ $20.99 Prince Charles Type C – It has up to 3 to 6 inch pale blue to mauve flowers; sometimes with an accent of a darker blue bar. This lovely vine blooms during the summertime. Height: 5-10’ 016725 C1½ $20.99 Rebecca™ Raymond Evison Collection Type B - Large stunningly bright red (almost scar let) flowers with creamy yellow anthers. It is excep tionally free-flowering. Bloom Time: May-June & August, Flower Size: 5-7”, Height: 6-8’ 014961 C1½ $22.99 Red Star - Not Pictured Type B – It produces 4 to 6 inch red dou ble blooms that appear in early summer and again in early fall. Height: 8-12’ 029957 C1½ $21.99 Rosemoor™ Raymond Evison Collection Type A - The reddish/purple flowers with yellow anthers contrast nicely with the color of the petals. Blooms on both the previous season's stems and on current season's growth. Bloom Time: May September, Flower Size: 5-6”, Height: 8-10’ 014962 C1½ $22.99 Rouge Cardinal Type C - Velvety crimson flowers backed by leathery-textured foliage. Bloom Time: May-June and July-Aug, Flower size: 4-6”, Height: 9-10’ 013182 C1½ $20.99 Sally Cadge Type C – A cross between Lasurstern and Nelly Moser, Sally Cadge displays 6-8″ (15-20cm) flowers midblue with a carmine bar. Flowers are produce in May, June and September. Height: 6-9’ 030011 C1½ $22.99 Samaritan Jo™ Raymond Evison Collection NEW NEW
‘Comtesse de Bouchard’
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