2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Photo courtesy of Little Prince Plants
- Grasses - Carex Sedge Grass j p i r q k conica Snowline zones 5-9 Carex conica ‘Snowline’ is a semi-evergreen orna mental grass that displays a slow-growing tuft of narrow, dark green leaves with silver edges. Orna mental Grasses are low-maintenance and grow well in most soil types. They look beautiful, adding color, height and movement to your garden. Sedge is an excellent companion plant with contrasting foliage.Height: 1’ Spread: 2’ 033030 C1½ $9.99 Molinia Purple Moor Grass j p e 2 1 caerulea Moorhexe - Not Pictured zones 4-8 A compact deciduous grass forming a dense clump of narrow, upright leaves turning bright orange brown in winter, with narrow purplish flower heads that create and airy effect in late summer. Quite stiff and upright, great for a windy spot. Height: 2-3’ Spread: 1-2’ 033030 C1½ $9.99 Panicum Switch Grass j p r 2 virgatum Rotstrahlbusch - Not Pictured zones 5-9 The green foliage grows to 3' before the plumes emerge in early summer. The feathery panicles to 4' create an effective cloud of bronze haze. Alt hough you probably can't pronounce the name, you will love the 'patriotic' amber waves of grain effect created by using a mass of this grass. Height: 4-5’ Spread: 2-3’ 033031 C1½ $9.99 Schizachyrium a lower, broader shape at its base than other Little Bluestem cultivars and remains upright throughout winter months, providing structure in the landscape and cover for wildlife. It prefers nutrient-poor soils and full sun, but it’s less likely to flop with rich soil than other cultivars. We love this native grass for its distinct blue-green foliage, which develops pink, midsummer highlights and transitions to a carousel of fall colors of copper, pink, and mahogany. Height: 30-32” Spread: 18” 033032 C1½ $10.99 NEW NEW NEW Little Bluestem j e 2 = scoparium Carousel - Not Pictured zones 3-9
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