2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Iris cristata Dwarf Crested Iris j p e q d l @ 0 ?
Tennessee White zones 4-8
'Tennessee White' is a vigorous spreader and prolific bloomer, covering the fan-like foliage with brilliant white flowers in spring, each accented with delicate yellow crests. Its late spring show starts earlier and lasts longer than the other selections we've tried. Height: 6-10”, Spread: 12-15” 032996 C1 $14.99 Iris germanica Tall Bearded German Iris j e q d l 0 ? This rebloomer has ruffly white standards, deep apricot ruffled falls. Upright spiky clumps support showy blooms. Also deer resistant and attracts butterflies. Height: 20-24”, Spread: 12-18” 029838 C1½ $19.99 Tall bearded iris, beautiful bi-color combination of pastel yellow and violet. Their large, colorful flow ers are great in front of houses as well as in peren nial beds. Plant these exceptionally drought and sun tolerant perennials and enjoy their color and fragrance! Height: 36-48”, Spread: 12-15” 033041 C1½ $19.99 Frappe zones 4-9 Its standards transition from very pale pink to pink ish white. The lower petals are a slightly deeper pale strawberry pink blended with very pale rasp berry pink. White striations underly the upper third of these falls, while bright tangerine orange beards complete the color show. A dependable rebloomer year after year, it first appears in mid to late spring before producing a second round of flowers in late summer to early fall. A light fragrance adds to its appeal. Height: 34”, Spread: 24” 033042 C1½ $19.99 Latest Style zones 4-9 Beautiful white flowers that have ruffled purple beards with pale lilac and white edging. These captivating flowers stand tall at 34” against slender grey-green foliage. Height: 34”, Spread: 24” 033043 C1½ $19.99 Spirit of Memphis zones 3-9 Cheerful, sunny-yellow blooms delight twice in one season. Spirit of Memphis, like other Bearded iris, prefers full sun and is deer resistant. Height: 2-3’, Spread: 1-2’ 033044 C1½ $19.99 Apricot Frosty zones 3-9 Ballyhoo zones 3-8
‘Apricot Frosty’
‘Tennessee White’
‘Latest Style’
Iris versicolor Northern Blue Flag Iris j p e d l ?
Purple Flame zones 3-9
The flowers bloom in early summer from deep violet to white with yellow blotches on the throat. The petals and sepals spread to form an easy feeding vessel for hummingbirds. When the blooms of summer fade, the upright, sword-like foliage provides textural contrast to the garden plants surrounding it. Height: 1-3’, Spread: 2’ 032995 C1 $19.99
‘Spirit of Memphis’
‘Purple Flame’
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