2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog

Echinacea Coneflower j b l e 2 d h ? 4 8 zones 4-9 Fiery Meadow Mama Prominent reddish cones are encircled by fully reflexed yellow petals emblazoned with bright red flames—a highly unique coloration for echinacea. Pollinators, such as butterflies, adore this hot new flower. Blooms appear all summer long and make great cut flowers. Height: 20-24” Spread: 18-24” 033009 C1 $12.99 Lovely Lolly With deep pink pompom blooms and deep purple stems this Echinacea brings a fun element to the garden. Prefers full sun but will tolerate moderate shade once established. Blooming begins in sum mer and continues into fall. Amedium sized plant with large, fully double pom pom blooms that won’t disappoint. Height: 20-24” Spread: 14-18” 033010 C1 $12.99 Pretty Parasols For a unique display of color and form that lasts from early summer to the first fall frost. Daisy like blooms display a prominent central cone surround ed by white petals graduating to soft pink toward the center. Petals trend downward, giving the flow ers the look of… you guessed it, parasols! Height: 36-40”, Spread: 24-36” 033011 C1 $12.99 Sunseekers Rainbow zones 4-8 The exceptionally unique color transformation of 'Rainbow' makes this Echinacea a must have! Flowers open in light yellow then change to hues of pink, blush, coral, lavender, salmon, and more. Absolutely incredible when its many different colors are displayed at once. Height:18-24” Spread: 12 18” 033012 C1 $12.99


‘Fiery Meadow Mama’


Photo courtesy of Growing Colors


‘Lovely Lolly’


‘Pretty Parasols’

‘Sunseekers Rainbow’

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