2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Viola Sweet Violet j p b h k # e 0 ? u CELESTIAL™ Blue Moon zones 4-9 Compact, trailing and mounded plants work well in baskets, mixed combos or in the ground. The white flowers have lavender-blue edges and a yellow eye. Height: 4-8”, Spread: 8” 029442 C1 $7.99 Etain zones 5-8 A rare Violet with large lemon yellow flowers with contrasting lavender margins. Very fragrant and long blooming. Blooms May-October. Height: 8-10” 011587 C1 $7.99 Halo Golden Yellow zones 4-9 This variety's large, solid-colored, golden yellow flowers will last through the summer without getting leggy. 'Halo Golden Yellow' is a heat tolerant and cold hardy selection. Low-maintenance in partly shaded borders. Height: 8-10”, Spread: 10-12” 031697 C1 $7.99 cornuta Halo Lemon Frost zones 4-8 Extra large lavender and yellow flowers with lavender edging, blooms late spring to mid summer with some re-bloom occurring in fall, won't stretch during the summer growing season. Height: 8-10”, Spread: 12” 027180 C1 $7.99 Halo Sky Blue zones 5-9 Extra large, sky blue petals with whiskered yellow center, hardy and heat tolerant. Height: 8-10”, Spread: 12” 029842 C1 $9.99 cornuta Halo Violet zones 5-9 Large 2-inch flowers have a bright yellow eye, followed by a glowing purple and edged in a deep plum color. Blooming from spring through fall. Height: 8-10”, Spread: 10-12” 026511 C1 $7.99 Heartthrob zones 5-9 The lovely heart-shaped leaves have deep burgun dy centers that contrast with the bright green leaf edges. A wonderful foliage plant that is attractive in containers, the front of the border, or as a ground cover. Height: 8”, Spread: 12” 032372 C1 $12.99
‘Blue Moon’
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
‘Halo Golden Yellow’
‘Halo Lemon Frost’
‘Halo Sky Blue’
‘Halo Violet’
Photo courtesy of Terra Nova
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