2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Tradescantia Spiderwort j p b l 0 ? The foliage is grass-like, similar to that of daylilies. Afternoon shade and moist soils are recommend ed. Cut back long sprawling stems after primary bloom and plants will re-bloom come fall. Blooms June-Sept. Zones 5-8 unless otherwise stated. Angelic Charm Angel white flowers float amongst the clouds of compact golden foliage. The third in our CHARM™ Series, 'Angelic Charm' will bloom all summer long. A fine addition to your mixed bed, containers, or in the front of the border. Easy to grow with average garden soil and water. Height: 8-11”, Spread: 15” 029605 C1 $7.99 Concord Grape This clump-forming perennial produces blue-green, arching foliage. Large clusters of purple flowers during summer are attractive to butterflies. Height: 12-18”, Spread: 12-18” 003818 C1 $7.99 Lucky Charm Dwarf gold leaf Tradescantia with blue flowers and a compact habit. Planting something Lucky and Gold in your garden will surely be a sign of good fortune to come. Height: 8-11”, Spread: 15” 030795 C1 $9.99 Sunshine Charm Add a little sunshine to your garden with this spider -wort! Glowing gold foliage creates a lovely foil for the lavender-pink flowers. This vigorous grower is very long blooming and easy to grow. More florifer ous and compact than 'Blue and Gold' ('Sweet Kate'). Holds gold color and does not burn in the sun. Place in areas of half to full sun and it will absolutely charm you! Height: 20”, Spread: 15” 032374 C1 $9.99 Sweet Kate zones 3-9 The brilliant gold foliage that is outstanding even when viewed from a distance. Afternoon shade and consistent moisture is recommended to keep the light-colored foliage from scorching. Sharply contrasting violet-blue blossoms with yellow sta mens are produced in early to mid-summer. Height: 12”, Spread: 15” 010114 C1 $10.99 Zwanenburg Blue zones 3-9 Triangular, blue-violet blossoms with sulphur yellow stamens. Each 1-2 inch wide, 3-petaled flower only lasts for one day, but the plants have lots of buds, extending the bloom time up to eight weeks. Flowers are self-cleaning, so deadheading isn’t necessary. Height: 24”, Spread: 24-36” 001329 C1 $7.99
Photo courtesy of Terra Nova
‘Concord Grape’
‘Angelic Charm’
Photo courtesy of Terra Nova
‘Sweet Kate’
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
‘Lucky Charm’
Photo courtesy of Terra Nova
‘Zwanenburg Blue’
Tricyrtis Toad Lily p i d 2
‘Sunshine Charm’
This exotic perennial prefers moist to wet, well drained, slightly acidic soils in partial shade. Do not let soil dry out. Propagate by seed or division. Best used as a border perennial, in shade or naturalized gardens. Zones 4-8 Autumn Glow Impressive variegation that boasts the widest yellow leaf margins. Orchid-like, reddish purple to blue violet speckled blossoms appear from late summer. Height: 12-14”, Spread: 10-12” 026835 C1 $12.99 Gilt Edge Has green, lance-shaped leaves edged in creamy yellow. The arching stems support these leaves which are arranged in a ladder-like fashion. Begin ning in late summer, white, orchid-like flowers heavily spotted and streaked with purple ap pear. Height: 24”, Spread: 18-24” 029867 C1 $9.99 Trollius Globeflower p i q v Easily grown in rich, humusy, moist to wet, well drained soils in part shade. Tolerates close to full shade. Leaves may bleach out in full sun. This plant thrives in cool weather. It dislikes dry soils and hot summers. europaeus Superbus zones 3-6 A clump-form that features a late spring to early summer bloom of globular lemon-yellow flowers up to 2” across. Height: 18-24”, Spread: 18-20” 001334 C1 $6.99
‘Autumn Glow’
‘Gilt Edge’
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