2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Stokesia Stokes Aster/Cornflower j p i d l ? Performs best in full sun and well-drained soil. It can adapt to dry or moist conditions, but cannot tolerate standing water. Deadhead spent flower stalks and cut back after flowering is finished. Blooms July-frost. Zones 5-9 Blue Danube Reminiscent of the blue Danube River, this selec tion produces large lavender-blue flowers measur ing 4-5 inches across. Deep green foliage is neatly mounding. Height: 12-18”, Spread: 12-15” 001311 C1 $10.99 Honeysong Purple Sports true royal purple flowers with a hint of red towards the center that darkens as it ages. The contrasting white stamens and purple-tinged stems add to its appeal. Height: 14”, Spread: 12-15” 004489 C1 $10.99 Peachie’s Pick This variety produces the typical lavender-blue Stokesia flowers. However, it blooms much longer and a bit later than others. It has an upright habit and healthy-looking, deep green foliage that remains attractive all season. Height: 18”, Spread: 18-24” 010911 C1 $9.99
Thalictrum Meadow Rue j h e q 2 k h #
Photo courtesy of Terra Nova
Mat-like dense, aromatic foliage makes it excellent for planting between stepping stones or in rock gardens. Easy to grow. Plant 6-12” apart. Zones 5-9 Nimbus™ Pink This perfect match in the NIMBUS™ series has lavender pink flowers in massive puffs at the top of the foliage. The striking dark stems and lovely fern like green leaves are showy even before the bloom. Great crown count. Blooms the first year, but much better after a winter chill. Height: 28”, Spread: 16” 032373 C1 $14.99 Nimbus™ White White, cloud-like masses of flowers over dark stems and fern-like leaves. It has an excellent, compact habit with multiple stems giving multiple, huge inflorescences. Height: 28”, Spread: 16” 028962 C1 $14.99 Thymus Creeping / Wild Thyme j h e q 2 k h # Mat-like dense, aromatic foliage makes it excellent for planting between stepping stones or in rock gardens. Easy to grow. Plant 6-12” apart. Zones 4-10 unless otherwise stated. praecox Coccineus - Red Creeping zones 4-9 A sun-loving herb valued as an ornamental groundcover. Forms a dense, flat mat of ever green, dark green leaves that are smothered in bright magenta-red flowers from early thru mid summer. Height: 2-4”, Spread: 12” 027245 C1 $7.99
‘Nimbus™ Pink’
Photo courtesy of Terra Nova
‘Nimbus™ White’
Photo courtesy of Little Prince®
‘Blue Danube’
Photo courtesy of Little Prince®
‘Doone Valley’
doerfleri Doone Valley zones 5-8
‘Pink Chintz’
Profuse color from this stunning groundcover with pink blooms. Great for filling between stepping stones as it will tolerate light foot traffic. Works well in mixed beds or in pots when allowed to trail over the edges. Showy flowers and aromatic foliage. Height: 1-2”, Spread: 1-2” 032034 C1 $8.99 serpyllum Pink Chintz zones 5-8 Salmon-pink flowers and slightly woolly, dark olive green leaves. Height: 3”, Spread: 3-12” 001322 C1 $7.99 pseudolanuginosus - Woolly Thyme zones 5-8 One of the best Creeping Thymes for general groundcover purposes. This is a low, creeping species with fuzzy grey-green foliage, occasionally producing pink flowers. Height: 2”, Spread: 1-2’ 030054 C1 $7.99 serpyluum minus Tiny lavender flowers bloom in June and July. Height: 12” 008641 C1 $7.99
Photo courtesy of Little Prince®
‘Honey Song Purple’
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
‘Peachie’s Pick’
serpyluum minus
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