2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Sedum Stonecrop j b q = 2 k d 4 This broad group of plants offers much for both perennial and rock gardens. Some varieties grow in a mat-like fashion, while others are best used as an upright ornamental specimen. All have thick, fleshy, succulent-like leaves and are frequently used in green roof plantings. August-September. Zones 4-9 or 3-9 unless otherwise stated. A pleasant new sedum with a compact, upright habit. Light pink buds open to intense pinkish-red flowers, then turn into bright red seedpods after flowering is complete. They pair well with the blue-green foliage. Height: 15” 010112 C1 $9.99 Angelina zones 3-11 Brilliant golden-yellow, evergreen, needle-like leaves all summer long. As the temperatures turn cooler in the fall, the tips of the leaves take on a reddish orange tinge which lasts all winter long. Yellow flow ers appear on 6-8 inch stalks in early summer. Height: 3-5”, Spread: 15-18” 011773 C1 $7.99 Angelina’s Teacup The smallest of the SunSparkler sedums, to date, forming a ground hugging mat just 3" tall and creep ing to 18" wide. The fine, needle-like foliage remains bright yellow all season, until cold temperatures blush the foliage orange. In the 6 years of trials, Sedum 'Angelina's Teacup' has never bloomed, saving you from having to painstakingly deadhead hundreds of ugly, dried flower heads every summer! Height: 3”, Spread: 18” 027734 C1 $10.99 Atlantis™ Small, serrated leaves are dark green with very wide creamy yellow margins. From a distance, the mar gins are what catch your eye. You may notice that the creamy margins become tinged with pink blush tones with cold temperatures late in fall. Height: 4-6”, Spread: 10-12” 027868 C1 $10.99 Autumn Fire Similar to 'Autumn Joy' but has a tighter growth habit, thicker foliage and brighter, rosy-pink flowers. Height: 24-30”, Spread: 18-24” 001288 C1 $9.99 Autumn Joy Tall growing sedum with gray-green foliage. Flowers are large plate heads of pink from late summer to frost. Tolerant of dry soil. Xeriscape plant. Excellent winter interest. Height: 18-24”, Spread: 18-24” 018511 C1 $9.99 Back in Black ROCK ‘N GROW®. Enjoy the dark leaf foliage throughout the summer, and when late summer rolls around, flowers with deep garnet red centers and cream petals will appear. Height: 20-24”, Spread: 26 30” 031557 C1 $14.99 Birthday Party PARTY HARDY™. Huge, deep rose pink flower heads. The purple brown tinted leaves provide color before the blooms. Height: 12-24”, Spread: 6-8” 032033 C1 $8.99 Boogie Woogie ROCK ‘N GROW®. A summer-flowering groundcov er plant with beautiful green and cream variegation. It looks beautifully bright all season, and yellow flowers are an added bonus. Height: 6-8”, Spread: 16-18” 028188 PW1 $14.99 Abbeydore zones 3-11
‘Angelina’s Teacup’
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
‘Autumn Fire’
‘Autumn Joy’
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Photo courtesy of Terra Nova
‘Birthday Party’
‘Back in Black’
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