2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Platycodon Balloon Flower j p 2 l ? These long blooming plants are easy to grow and tolerant of neglect. Plants may need staking for support. Will re-bloom if deadheaded. Cut the whole plant back after first frost. Slow to emerge in spring, be patient. Blooms July-August. Zones 3-8 POP STAR™ SERIES A giant flowering series with giant star-shaped blue flowers on compact well branched plants, quick and easy to grow. Height: 6-8”, Spread: 10-12” Pop Star™ Blue 028382 C1 $8.99 Pop Star™ Pink 028383 C1 $6.99 Pop Star™ White 028384 C1 $6.99 Sentimental Blue Interesting balloon-like buds burst open into beautiful blue, dwarf bell-shaped flowers. Height: 6-8”, Spread: 12” 010001 C1 $6.99 Polemonium Jacobs Ladder p i d l 0 Fern-like leaflets give a ladder effect on each side of the stem. Blooms early summer. Zones 4-8 Brise d’Anjou Bright violet-blue flowers backed by eye-catching variegated foliage make this plant really stand out in the garden. To keep the foliage looking nice, this variety needs protection from afternoon sun. Height: 15-20”, Spread: 12-15” 005736 C1 $10.99 Purple Rain Strain An unusual form of Jacob's Ladder, this plant forms a lush mound of ferny foliage in a stunning black-purple shade, later becoming green. Upright stems of soft blue phlox-like flowers appear in late spring. Height: 12-23”, Spread: 12-18” 028108 C1 $14.99 Stairway to Heaven A yellow and green variegated form that is the best choice for a variegated ladder. Leaf tips are pink in the cool weather of spring. Light blue, half-inch long flowers borne in loose drooping clusters. Height: 15-18”, Spread: 12” 010108 C1 $12.99 Touch of Class Delicate lacy foliage that forms a low mound. The leaves are green with a narrow, bright white edge. From early to mid-summer, pink buds open to reveal small pale blue flowers. After it is finished blooming, cut the plant back to allow for a fresh flush of foliage. Height: 14”, Spread: 18” 014146 C1 $10.99 Polygonatum Solomon’s Seal p i ? Classic beauties for the woodland or shade garden. Prefers moist, well-drained soil.. Zones 3-8 Ruby Slippers Bright red, upright and slightly arching stems that are red from base to tip. Solid deep green leaves have silvery undersides. Will spread in the garden Height: 21”, Spread: 10-21” 027146 C1 $19.99
‘Pop Star™ Blue’
‘Pop Star™ Pink’
‘Pop Star™ White’
‘Sentimental Blue’
‘Brise d’Anjou’
‘Purple Rain Strain’
‘Stairway to Heaven’
‘Touch of Class’
‘Ruby Slippers’
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