2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
paniculata ‘Early Cerise’
paniculata ‘Cotton Candy’
pan. Garden Girls® ‘Cover Girl’ Color: Lavender purple Size: 38-42” x 24-28” Reblooming and great disease resistance to mildews in the summer. 029982 C1 $7.99
Color: Size:
Soft lavender pink
Color: Size:
18-24” x 18-24” Large clusters on strong stems each summer. Highly mildew resistant. 016078 C1½ $10.99
12-16” x 12-16” Earliest bloom time of any paniculata Phlox, it will bloom 2-3 weeks earlier. 026099 C1 $8.99
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
Photo courtesy of Growing Colors
paniculata ‘Fireworks’
pan. ‘Early® Start Pink Candy’
paniculata ‘Early Purple Eye’
Color: Size:
Light pink
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Pink shades
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Bi-colored purple and white
12-16” x 12-16” Pink fragrant flowers have a white edge for a two-toned look, appear in summer. 028386 C1 $8.99
18-24” x 12-24” Unique sparkling cherry red and white flowers with fiery red centers. 020157 C1 $8.99
12-16” x 12-16” Fragrant flowers appear in summer for a long time, thrives best in semi-shade. 026101 C1 $8.99
Photo courtesy of Netherland Bulb Company
Photo courtesy of Netherland Bulb Company
paniculata ‘Glamour Girl’
amplifolia ‘Goliath’ Purple with white halos
amplifolia ‘Hercules’
Color: Size:
Hot coral
Color: Size:
Color: Size:
Bubblegum pink
32” x 18-24” Held on dark purple stems from mid to late summer. Large panicles. 022609 C1 $7.99
3-4’ x 2-3’ Giant flowers that are fragrant and attrac tive to pollinators such as butterflies. 029839 C1 $12.99
7’ x 18-24” Breathtaking plant form that reaches up to 7 feet tall! 15” x 10” Flowers! 029840 C1 $14.99
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