2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Antirrhinum Snapdragon j p ? b 2 t hispanicum Roseum zones 6-9 A perennial snap dragon from Spain with silvery-blue, fuzzy succulent foliage and shell pink snap dragon flowers throughout the summer. Height: 12-16”, Spread: 12-16” 028855 C1 $9.99 Aquilegia Columbine j p b e q 1 d 0 ? The flowers on this plant will reach a height of 3 times that of the foliage. Plant a wide variety of these plants and see what interesting and natural hybrids may develop. Blooms May through June. Alpine Blue zones 2-9 This species features bright violet-blue flowers over a compact mound of ferny grey-green foliage. Excellent for cutting. Since Columbines are rela tively short lived, allow some of the plants to go to seed and self sow. Height: 18-23”, Spread: 10-12” 027237 C1 $7.99 Earlybird™ Series zones 3-8 Large bicolor flowers. Spring blooms occur on short stems just above the low mounding foliage. Prefers part sun. Height: 10”, Spread: 8-10” Purple & Blue 029831 C1 $7.99 Purple & Yellow 029832 C1 $7.99 Red & Yellow 029833 C1 $7.99 Tequila Sunrise zones 5-8 This irresistible variety has brilliantly colored, dis tinctive nodding flowers. Tequila Sunrise are bright red to copper-red, orange with golden yellow cen ters, produced in profusion at the end of many branches. Height: 28”, Spread: 10-12” 032241 C1 $7.99 Avail. 7-15
‘Earlybird™ Purple & Blue’
‘Earlybird™ Purple & Yellow’
‘Earlybird™ Red’ & Yellow’
‘Alphine Blue’
‘Earlybird™ Purple & Yellow’
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