2022 Dayton Nursery Catalog
Penstemon Beard Tongue j p b l e q d ?
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
Photo courtesy of Little Prince®
These are colorful North American natives with bright flowers in summer. They all appreciate full sun and well drained soil and once established, they will all tolerate some dryness. Does not toler ate wet soils, especially in winter. Hummingbirds and butterflies love these flowers! Zones 3-8 Blackbeard The dark feature referenced on this plant is its incredible foliage. Dark purple flower stems hold its lilac purple flowers with their white flaring tubes high above the low mound of deep eggplant purple leaves. Attractive dark burgundy seed pods follow the flowering performance for extended seasonal interest. Height: 12-15”, Spread: 12” 032030 C1 $7.99 Dakota™ Burgundy Glossy, purple black leaves on a very hardy peren nial. Lovely lavender to violet flowers in June. Height: 12-24”, Spread: 18” 027173 C1 $14.99 Electric Blue Flowering spikes with trumpets of vivid blue. Care free and drought resistant, this Penstemon sports an interesting purple blush at the stems. Glossy green foliage is a nice complement. Height: 15-18”, Spread: 10-12” 032031 C1 $7.99 Midnight Masquerade Deep burgundy purple leaves look attractive all season long and form a tall, full and refined habit. Rich lavender purple flowers with pure white interi ors top the foliage on dark stems. Height: 36-40”, Spread: 28-32” 026657 PW1 $14.99
‘Electric Blue’
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens
‘Dakota™ Burgundy’
‘Midnight Masquerade’
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